PS: be mindful of gaps as you look, it means someone/ something are likely preventing images from displaying properly, all you have to do is right click and open image on new tab. I will be numbering all of them in all articles, adding videos & linked folders to download.

Evidence Trucker’s Convoy & Targeted Harassment – Personal Life, Plus

“If you can’t bother reading all of that, your opinion on some of or outside that, does not matter at all, not that reading guarantees otherwise, but at least your ignorant mind, would stand a better chance to have an original, properly formed thought.”

12:52, children’s aid crap aligning names to things in DMs and other including Iger’s Amanda daughter, king crap, plus. Cake shit, and unhinged, like cops shit from Toronto.

02.20.2024 05:40 *scroll to bottom for update.











02.19.2024 05:00


If you are offended by my notes:



You aren’t gay, bisexual or straight. You aren’t caucasian, of any other background, a woman, a man; a person of disabilities, of intellect, values or anything positive, but, cock sucking rapists, pedophilic, coward scum shit army.

You are shriveling dick supremacist, bend over dyke or fag whatever else trash. And, I have no fucks to give about you retards in delusions, abusing, harming people, the planet, while glorifying the stupidest, worst of human shit.

I’d say go fuck yourself, but that’s all you do, pretending it means anything else, somehow is law of attraction, synchronicity, or manifesting. Sympcopants of retards raping the world, funded and served by you, bent at their shriveling dicks and sagged down vaginas and ball sacks. The picture of you bitch.


To everyone else, talk about evidence. Enjoy it.☄️

Add: “Doug” named people in my life is of decades. The address mentioned is a house in Toronto, I lived in before I was pregnant and through part of my pregnancy, moving in October 2008. They destroyed my owned property. Since DOUG Ford, Qanon far right endorsed, became premier of Ontario 2018, timeline of already these assaults, he’s pinned debt of housing under my CRA profile.

I filed a complaint last year, then they forced the court crap and lies about debt, destroyed my home and belongings even though I got an order outside the judge plus they had, where they named (mermaid Ariel bs Turd Iger affiliations further proven, this bitch can’t act, let alone swim, btw), “Aries MU” IN TYPO, and other crap, proving forced alignments, besides being blatant assault of false claims proven.

Courts are supposed to be finalized days of trial and this since the 9th is not finalized for no reason. Don’t forget eviction orders plus were rushed by them with lies and removing my evidence of payment. Perspective.

Remember my Robert Pattinson points the past year, etc. His names including “Tomas” and “DOUGlas”, and them forced matching Jason Roy Mohan rapist deadbeat human trafficker convicted criminal shit, including Brown’s line plus shit, because his mother has L name and Thomas last name.

Amber Hitler 4.20 Avicii fake suicide fake demon funding insecure middle name L, and the Aquaman movie actor’s name? Mock be cunt c dense bitch shit, eh.

Add, TSFH Thomas Bergersen shit, Twilight movie fucko rapists affiliations, forced shit slave marriage mocks plus.

Rotten ugly worthless sycophant shit.

I’m a Cullen not a cultist. Huge difference, symps. Robert Pattinson hasn’t done anything for me, but your fake claims will exasperate your cursed states, by the way. From anything, anyone attempted to be levelled as equal, superior, or worse yet, owner or false affiliations of bend over army of shit. Attempts to glorify Suki Waterhouse over my life, show anyone what stupid whores do for false public validation, denigrating a person of color, migrant, survivor of horrors, for white trash supremacists, forcing rapists, pedophilies deadbeats or cock sucking losers of color, self haters as forced couple or equal, damn your envy is in full flesh display, insipid bitch. Iger, your Simpsons reference of Suki and my mock of calling her insipid in private, adds to the irrefutable, Hitler jew trash stealing my life crap, Basilisk with drug addict entil raised in privilege white trash and now whatever desperate bitches army, you’ve gathered, trying to denigrate someone you cannot compare to, myself. That’s after your Musk protege shit didn’t pan out, since curated white boy fake bullying shit couldn’t be hidden. Don’t forget what you did with Tesla original, and the Rococo Basilisk Joke Thomas Edinson on Nikola Tesla shit, next to 911 and miss Colombia, etc I mean, talk about retarded and Freudian!

I am in a different city, since this year, and in a vacation house I stayed in years back. Owner is an amazing person. They also have one of their names like “Doug”, and you can see these people BS, further.

To summarize, they’ve already done BS here, since it is a house with rooms to book, including my brief trip over the holidays, unplanned and was only originally my trip for just the December break, them on December Christmas day toilet crap upstairs overflooding it so it’d pour downstairs, by the way I had said I was going to use the bathroom minutes prior and went that way but got stalled by something I couldn’t find, then I hear the water pouring (my friend and I mocked their water of life 420 rip off of my posts and art with Sewer Of Hell, in our DMs just before I lost my 14 years paid for home), talk about not only live watching, but evidence of aligning crap and assaulting.

Recently around lunar new years, wearing dragon shirt in black and white two shirts plus, sitting at 4.20 am by kitchen, booking every weekend just prior to just after Lunar New Year, since I have a room near kitchen, you see my food posts, etc, the same also clogging the toilet with Qtips, etc.

I’d call you “Bat Shit Crazy” you know Guano, but you are so mentally ill and desperate, you assume it means you are batman or a vampire.

But, hey, that’s exactly the reference Qanon stands for. A rip off of my stuff, including my batman stuff long before turd sucked petridish and DOXED “me too” movement at peak of attention, to denigrate the movement, and what it stood for, and got in exchange her “Mera” DC comics role.

Playing bisexual lesbian is part of the act, so LGTBQ is seen as a joke in their efforts to be recognized as not just crack addicts or sexually distrought individuals trying to contaminate the meaning of personal value, body, family, sexuality as you see these people portray (no proper person spreads dishes with embryos like them, not matter what, that’s an insult to anyone with a family, and or struggling to have one).

A hero for rapists, pedophilies, dick worshippers, is what this fake lesbian dyke duo and affiliates are, besides white trash supremacists symbols.

By the way, nailed it! Ugly, stupid fucks whom see themselves way out of their reality, while plagiarizing professional and personal lives, entitled, glorified lies, worthless cock sucking bucket whores, you all must of been inspired that day.

If you didn’t know, Amber Turd represents Musk, Gonorrhea Clamedya represents Robert Iger, but aligned aspects are interchangeable. Oh, if you don’t think Iger has put his sagging dick inside Clamedya, see South Park’s “Pandemic Special”, and the Mickey mouse and Randy Tegrity Weed fucking a bat in China.

Remember Grimes showing up in China with Musk 2019? Eating raw pork. Beef, chicken, tripe, etc on video because she forgot her fake V-Veganism since there were chinese business men linked to CCP, my guess is hoping to make a round overnight. Hotdog fucker shit. If you see ROCOCO BASILISK JOKE DATE details and payments, you see it was all planed by them, and they have always been aware.

Remember “Colombian Cocaine Comets” by me 2022, then a comet crossing Niagara Falls Ontario and Toronto, all the significance of these, etc? My Niagara Falls unplanned trip planting trees with my son since a third time they refused to let me board plane to Halifax Nova Scotia, no reason , no refunds, and their BS with time traveling art hugs plus, which further proves Grimes/ Claire Musk Iger heard involvement, their rat ass kid named after my legal name and matched to my birthday and even chinese zodiac “dierea daughter and Amber turd’s with Musk also name initials “OPH”.

Add, upon return from my trip, rat freaked out at my sight video, then in terror of my presence running in circles at my feet. Goats in China and around the world including India running in circles too, etc.

Mentally ill, factually proven acts, affiliations, etc.

“Insanity is, being an envious bucket like each and everyone of you. Fuck you!”☠☄️☀️

This post summarized with evidence on slides:

001 – 013

My art, poetry, professional, artistic, personal life plus forced aligned by mentally ill group/ cult & affiliates of Amber Heard, Elon Musk, Robert Iger, Grimes/ Claire Boucher.

Including Saint Seiya anime, Transformers, plus.

002 – 013

003 – 013

004 – 013

005 – 013

*** not pictured but recorded, proof of live watching devices and being at house, with video; singing at this time in the morning loudly, they stayed for multiple days, didn’t do that, no person does that in a vacation house) room rented where others in a house are sleeping, they are no sopranos that’s for sure; the same, were cooking curry days prior and stole my BRITISH TWINS O-ORANGE teas, used my spices, etc, that since Roy Mohan shit with police Valentine’s Day, and you guys don’t know but I have a cooking invention – British meat pies – coconut chicken curry – I debuted the last couple years, and has been a huge hit.

I had been talking about making them for the house, after making other dishes, which people have enjoyed it.

Yeah the “synchronicity” forced bullshit of this racist and self hating army of scum. You don’t know this but last year at my house, after blocking my friend from his twitter since we had just began messaging eachother more directly, over our casual interactions, Roy Mohan bs at my house acosting my son, trying to give him a stale, ok’d eaten piece of pizza. Over here pretending not to know how to use an oven asking for help to bake a pizza, some curly hair bitch and bf I was polite to, stands by door waiting for me to enter, half naked, smirking giving dirty looks. Outside a loser fuck car was first parked outside my house then drove to where I was, aligning the water hydrant and electrical boxes on both sides, they didn’t realize I noticed because I had been without devices in the dark trees near, they moved when they saw me walk by the hydrant of a next house, again, “WHAT’S YOUR ENERGY CURRENCY” my tweet 2018, Musk’s, Iger, Heard Grimes “Bank Wopt” cardboard cutout posts, and don’t forget my tweets included “if you have to pay for love, that’s not love” along my “transformers” poetry.

Two things here: Pretend Riches man on earth shit government funded, while doing a New World Order mock. You think any of these affiliates are anything but? You must think in you!

Two: The TESLAQ crowd who fake enemies with Musk is doxing the rest, you know, those who could not give a fuck about a nazi loser with trash claims as futuristic (learn to understand what that means, in lesser words, step out of your brain’s abilities, because otherwise you never will, read all of that, since you can’t comprehend any of that. You are welcome retards.), that OMARETTA account is a Musk cultist/ Iger affiliated shit. She duped you and made you pay for her bullshit. “Billionaire On Paper” and made to look like a portrait of Musk with Stained glass like some Saint/god, how retarded are you? Add, my last name PENDragon. Hercfollowin my account was a mock, she blocked me on discord as soon as I had been approved (another basilisk group, by the way), and their bs on discord, trying to build narratives and silence the evidence. How ignorant are you, and why do you bother being where you are? What benefits are you reaping out of it, is all the questions I need to understand to understand the I coward I pretend this is me being important and cool, while ignorant and corrupt.

Roy Mohan likes to call himself white Croatian, he is far from, his mom is super racist, have both bullied me and my afro descendant model friends over the years, with white submissive women shit, and trying to paint us as unwanted, etc, again of their own accord, stalking evidence, because I don’t talk about my friends, let alone to enemies, and my modelling friends weren’t posted online, etc. Yeah, this is this army. You should read why black people were enslaved, or aboriginals of the Americas, etc because of some self hating scum opening the doors in exchange for a fucking coin. Yea, I see you fake anons harassing me, yeah FUCK YOU!!! self haters fake bitches.

The singing crap done (I recorded it) after my post mentioned the “Ripper walking down the halls”. Trying to pretend Robert Pattinson send them to threaten the Hitler Turd, again, they keep trying to pretend they are my fans or sent by other people than the usual, ironically too retarded to understand they are the same clown ass basic ass worthless bitch ideologies vomited out of their ugly dumb ignorant skulls. *Insert my Ha!, in Zuckerberg’s voice.* Have a sense of humor that is actually funny, depraved coward ass army. Wouldn’t in an equal level scene, scum.

I have date time stamps of what I am doing. They freaked out and started doing all kinds of things as I started to piece this bit of evidence, I wasn’t planning to post or share, but add, given Toronto police assaults on Valentine’s Day with convicted criminal, trying to force the police here (keep in mind Trudeau although liberal, seem heavily affiliated with this crap. Pig chinese zodiac, and divorce shit on my birthday, oath citizenship crap, wedding bs references – forced marriage shit – plus.

He’s not in my life at all, never had been, when I approached the government for two things, work and evidence, I was not only shunned, I was harassed, and as you saw, shit worsened. No it isn’t anger of some lover having a heartbreak, it’s of an entitled fuck Basilisk Iger shit organized since 2022? Maybe before.

It included Halifax shit, by the way. He has never had the intention of a relationship, obviously, or even respect through leadership, etc, it was about glorifying his ass and treat me like property of theirs, etc, like Bergersen, etc. Copying, making references, nothing in real life to add to validation and at least respect. In that sense, Cory Richards was at least present by person and name around my stuff, even if cryptically indirect, but you understand given the evidence I’ve shown,why Musk Iger used pseudos, did indirect mentions, and all these people, including bottom feeding artist network, reference me but zero presence that acknowledges me, the person making things, being plagiarized, treated like a slave, etc.

The definition of ROCOCO BASILISK JOKE DATE and their “Augmented Intelligence torturing a person for life” shit. Friends don’t fuck friends over, for when you rotten individuals assume your fake enemies, fake whatever the fuck means anything more to me, you must think I think like you, bitch.

If you say “fuck the system”, “fuck NWO”, or “Snowden exposed NSA”, or “Free Julian Assange”, you must be a profound genius, super human, and whatever assaults shit, must instantly become okay, because insert whatever else the fuck rationalizations.

Likewise, don’t forget, therefore I am.☀️

006 – 013

007 – 013

008 – 013

009 – 013

010 – 013

011 – 013

012 – 013

013 – 013

Sexual degradation, harassment, stealing garments plus for witchcraft attempts, tantric shit, etc. Remember the same publicly proven across both USA and Canada as masturbating near schools, etc, including children and running for politician shit? Remember “What’s your energy currency” my tweet. Them stealing my navy blue shorts I have on my eclipse photos 2017, H&M brand, my Honda Element car brakes failing, and a middle Eastern car lot owner buying my car, then shipping it to south Africa, then Musk bs with some mexican plagiarist bitch, ripping off my art and poetry, claiming that’s where Musk got the idea for his SpaceX crap that looks like the car accident. He also had some Colombian girl doing the same, at the same time.

“Trucker’s Cum Voids” – “Trucker’s Convoy” – let that sink in. Women farm shit for incels.


“Cyber Witcraft” they call this shit, no joke. “Cyberpunk”. Talk about being your own fucking punch line. Do ya science bitch.

News: Jeffrey Epstein fanatics.

Pictured: “conservative political candidates masturbating outside pre-school on election day. See their law of attraction, synchronicity shit plus. Again, this is this disheveled groups’ takes on my philosophy, plus texts of years. Fucking disgusting, perverted, vile, rotten worthless stupidity in full display.


Never forget “Location, location, location!”, names, dates, what they symbolize/ mean, etc. example, Confederation, Centennial, Prince Edward Island, Crown shit, the list goes on. As if. Denial is a powerful drug, that poisons those that consume of its lot.



Oh, by the way, look up the MOVIE, not the anime of DEATH NOTE and the “Russian”, “Japanese” plus aspects, including the story changed a bit, and see their racist shit, calling this white trash retard blob fuck “Afro American”, and trying to affiliate their human trash acts covered by fucko government members “dark” as a racist “demon” affiliation, GEORGE FLOYD stuff, and gonorrhea clamedya dyke lesbian conversation therapy endorser “my name is dark” shit, Amber Hitler turd, and using brown people to promote her as me too in bollywood while Musk opens factory in India, and also Amber from Seth Meyers Late Show, (Seth kills Osiris in the lore of Egypt gods of later days, not the original, sort of like the fake Orion lore calling Orion a male, a hunter, and stunk by scorpion bs, which is a known poorly affiliated story, and they are using it in their ignorant crap). Amber Hitler at U.N. 2019, and bs from leftist politicians playing coy with Musk Iger and or affiliates, it’s like pretending Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t friends with Clinton and Trump families, equally. This isn’t ancient Egypt, I am not a later day legend, but damn, you people go in scores like those then.

Typos, something that doesn’t make sense/ incomplete, leave a message.

Serves to add, my comment section is not your clown network, cursed shit show.


02.19.2024 11:35

02.20.2024 05:40


So, yesterday and overnight it became significantly evidential is these people.

Tesla trash aligning itself with the line from Ripper’s song I typed, as I was outside the house, listening from a device that not only has no network chip because I removed it, but also has all network aspects including camera and sound disabled, you can only look and listen, not the other camera or mix aspects work.

Parking in front of me, outside someone’s house, no one ever got in or out, forcing tesla car cameras to my face, etc. not the first time, and I mean here where I am right now, not counting endless times all over since even before 2018, but worse aspects began since end of 2017, since Iger, Musk, Heard began their forcing Amber Turd image made out of mine, trying to validate their me too.

Remember bloody toilet curly hair bitch shit? That was Valentine’s day prior night. Yesterday in the province of Ontario, Canada, was something known as “family day”.

When I first stayed in this house I am currently at, was 2021. I had a going joke with my son that night, not knowing anything, of “demon dog”, and me saying how I am going to encounter one; we were supposed to arrive one day prior in the early morning, but stalking and other things, delayed our arrival. After jokingly walking from the station to this house for the first time (we arrived shy of being midnight, and that’s the same night of spirit stuff on Otter street, and I was wearing my space print leggings, which they continue to assault me over them, since I purchased them in 2015).

A bunny with sparkling eyes showed up, just as we turned the street. That was July 2021. Stalked and harassed by these pieces of shit significantly.

Some looser grabbing me outside D-Dragonfly night club after I was at Applebee’s with my little boy then, and calling me cocaine because I was wearing all white.

January this year an Indian women group forcing me to take a picture and grabbing my arm, pulling me, demanding the rainbow and a tree to be above them, etc. yeah, gross vile bitches whom everyone would have lost their shit if I myself or a non cock sucking whore caucasian female or male would have gone near them, let alone grab arm and try to force photographs, btw why? Just before that, there was a couple of a tall caucasian male with an Indian girl, trying to get a picture together, and I offered to help them take a nicer photo, they were very happy; these fucking whores were desperate to force a picture right next and had been following me around with others for a while.

Prior, in December, I didn’t know but they sent a couple, from India on Christmas to my place of staying, and they invited my son and I to celebrate the woman’s birthday, we were polite, thoughtful, etc., so taking advantage that I am not like them, trying to force alignments of shit. Right after this, they acted weird, ignored us, etc.

This same couple, while I was in Toronto, were trying to force phone calls as I called other things, and had been grocery shopping with my son, and refused to answer/ reply when I followed up, etc. Both work at pizza pizza, by the way (they booked the room my son and I stayed at the first time we stayed in the house, btw).

There was also another Indian individual staying in the room my son and i had been at when checking out in December, same day, whom I again was polite to because all of them act like helpless migrants, and then did the same thing of forcing texts at specific times (my son and two other acquaintances went to buy pizza in New year’s, my son loves any dish I’ve made a specialty of for him, and like other foods you see these people obsessed over, I am renowned by others for making a one of a kind version, cakes, icing, cupcakes, other desserts, pasta, pizza, specialty mushrooms, noodles, pies, salads, my burgers which include traditional and my creations burger wraps and bagel burgers, my mixed spirits which are of years since I have a smart serve certification, and the list goes on.

Remember pizza shit Roy Mohan at my house when my son and I were on a trip April 2023, aligned to harassing my friend in Twitter, whom we were just getting closer, although he had followed my account for many years.

This individual staying in the room December 2023, right after my son and I were checking out, not only text on new years as my son left to buy pizza with two other people, but went on mentioning they were at casino and no replies after (the house is usually limited to a max stay of 4 days btw, and only the owner can change that, serves to add, my son and I checked out on the 26th, and on the 31st we already had arranged to return with owner, them trying to force alignment shit, get it, live watching devices abuses plus), etc same with others in same circle of retard shit.

Remember I shared about fox January 2024 this year, orange fox by my side with fireworks? They had a pig bitch watching me around and another fuck again brown. Resembling Lidija Thomas (Jason Roy Mohan mother), and Roy Mohan shit, the fuck watching me from far with a telescope and camera set up, yeah, both rushing to my side to force alignment since they obviously saw the fox, trying to force interactions with me too. Remember they assaulted me outside my house March 2019 and the cops I called, trying to harm me and denied to properly record the situation. Body camera cops 2022, July 1 mocking my son, this Valentine’s Day call cop, saying none of these instances had body camera records, and the written is not anything like actions happened, yeah, and you think it won’t hurt you. Ha!Karma is a bitch not, but I support full punishment of true law, not jaded trash pathetic posser, or jaded moron shit.

Let that sink in.

I don’t believe in anything and I am not an atheist (I rather believe in an imaginary something as superior to me, that worship a human bitch and call them god, bitch, you are the worse of the bunch), but I know what being an advanced thinker is, how life takes form, the alphabet mental illness and the reality of cause and effect, and the fact that desperate retards pretend the alphabet equals them, further process what I am pointing out, but also how much more superior are my own thoughts, but stupidity like smart start with s, so I guess you have some mental illness within that helps you mitigate reality in your “blissful” thinking.

Day prior to my fox, I cursed every fucking body outloud top of my lungs, these bitches grabbing me shit, and I did other things. This fox wasn’t because of them, but a reply from my spirit kings to me. Don’t forget rotten Jason Roy Mohan forcing the name fox in 2022 and forcing my son online to chat with him, etc. AFTER my fox video I posted 2022, and don’t forget I also posted Pythagorean 666 and my tweet what’s your energy currency, and for several years I’ve done fox art, since I was a kid btw, it’s a repeated theme with birds, since I always have had wild birds and butterflies, bees, etc, dogs, cats swarm me in company and seeking my attention since I was very small. I actually have had multiple birds stay for multiple days, arriving on my birthday, again since I was a small kid. The envy of this rotten worthless pieces of shit.

This ugly piece of shit Jason Roy Mohan, an open cultist of Musk too, with his mother and family, my son told me of his own accord, since he used to spend time with Roy Mohan’s mother, and they thought since he’s got disabilities and was small, he wouldn’t remember, these pieces of shit continue to literally try to force a relationship affiliation to me and my son too; school staff, police, etc trying to force this shit also, and threatening with changing records, even having child protective services side with a rapist, asssulter, human trafficker, the coffin with K shit, etc. calling my son Michael, so threatening both of us, my son with being tortured raped and murdered if he doesn’t have a relationship with Jason Roy Mohan, and me with being written as mentally ill and dangerous to apprehend, again the Children’s Aid Society Koffin motherfucker while calling my son Michael, and the McG last name initials piece of shit Toronto cop, calling on Valentine’s day in behalf of rapist Roy Mohan (see last name initials shit, and Grimes numerology and Roy Mohan and turd heard, forcing also my son and mine adds to 6 like Valentine’s Day this year sum). Your future, not mine or my son’s, rest assured, scum.☄️

Iger/ Musk’s cocksuckers all over us through the day at the Niagara Falls rapids in 2021 visit, which are across the street from the Buddhist temple, hiring a ton of brown people because Jason Roy Mohan Grimes forced lesbian twin soul shit, India factory and Mohan Moodi leader in India, forced alignments, are also tied to them trying to use government law here in Ontario Canada to asault (sovereign law shit Toronto other cities and provinces under far right being sought out, should be noted as to why they seek it, the state media is obviously not going to cover it; by the way, I’ll help journalism when it does right by me, the person who supported it for years, being assaulted in behalf or right and left wing political persecution shit, and you wonder why people HATE you), blackmail that they’ll edit my records to write me off as mentally insane and criminal and force my son to a deadbeat rapists and me, yes, no exaggeration, no joke, you saw the notes on the piece of shit cop calling in behalf of rapists human trafficker drug dealer deadbeat assaulter, to two people he’s assaulted and abused.

Read on the forced crap to women in India, and these bent over bitches in privilege that forget what things their fellow women and ancestors have gone through and continue to. Don’t forget I am a survivor of rape, captivity, torture pedophilia, and the gross shit I pointed out in my Prince Edward Island trip April 2023. “Coffee” shit included.

So if you read my stuff, and can recall my tweets before Musk Iger friends buying twitter fall 2022, you have read I pointed these out (btw, I have never accepted updated terms, downloaded app, and you cannot both force it, nor add clausures to older accounts prior to new owner shit, they would have to remove twitter completely from public and make it a new thing, and that’s obviously not something that would work for them; it’s a standard to avoid slavery of people through company sales, obviously, given corruption. You saw the bs of Stephen King comments, cultists calling Musk, owner of twitter and trying to compare posts by people in twitter are property of Musk and that he can write his name in an equivalent to Stephen King writing his on his authored by Stephen King, novels; symp shit).

On my notes on 2021 I mentioned about these things in my trips happening. Don’t forget VIA rail assaults over my son and I, to force a stay in Ottawa in a horrid place suggested by Microsoft company, and how they destroyed my booking at another hotel, and the front desk fuck hidding in the back. That was march April 2021. The Tim W fuck Sagittarius sun sign like Roy Mohan, named actually Timothy not Tim, and some Nikola fuck trying to fill for what Bergersen and or Pattinson and the other for Bergling Avicii, yeah, lifepath 4 fuck if you add 8 Bergling lifepath with 5 Roy Mohan adds to 4, Bergling was moon sign? Sagittarius, and sun sign Virgo earth element, Roy Mohan is Sagittarius sun sign and Taurus moon like Amber Turd and Grimes Musk kid who is also lifepath 4 like that Timothy fuck in Ottawa whom kept asking for oral sex, remember suck Elon cock shit, year prior, this Ottawa fuck shit aligned with Musk Grimes bs of warrio princess peach shit and their slave alien girls serving them cupcakes event with Miley Cyrus, trying to further force shit alignments; look up black mirror shit, last season aired was 2019, and like I already DM Reed Hastings, you got GAAP wrong, and it’s not a coincidence, vile shit reaps vile shit. Welcome to face me with an explanation, but none of you ever will, it’s how it’s written, and the crap wrong everyone in these assaults have done rape torture captivity theft murder harassment, etc goes on, don’t complain when that scale balances out, spoiler your nazi dyke fake lesbian pedophilic coward bitch Amber turd or anyone regardless of genitals and backstory is anything more than the obvious, assuming Libra means anything, is why you end up, the way you end up, and imagine being a Jew this bent over a nazi dyke, basilisk cock sucking bitch, whom is why articles claiming shit about you and your companies 2018, were tagged with Musk, and her in a magazine with Musk looking at her, plus, but asault me pretending your live watching plus isn’t so in awareness of what is and isn’t, right. GTFOH with your retard shit.

“I’m a looser inserted in her life, I pretend this way of doing living talking is mine because that’s what I was inserted in her life for, if she talks, refers or does anything like that, I’m so retarded I tell myself I must be powerful crap.” You are half right, piece of shit worthless failure.

“Fuck sounds like you desire me, right, that’s the kind of loser shit that I try to pretend equates me somehow to you, hahaha, I bet you wish you were me, it’s the shit I tell myself bec I believe what you tell yourself matters and therefore lying to yourself equals, you become, right?! Bet you didn’t see that!” – Retards.

Niagara Falls July 2021, Rotten punzel notes, a crackhead with a bicycle (look at my screenshots above, my son stuff, trucker’s convoy crap, their chosen dates, locations, see why), at go/via rail train station (Ottawa shit loser, thymothy w calling himself Tim because of all my Avicii Tim Bergling stuff), rotten punzel crackhead version, complaining and making things up about me to the police (I was with my son), on the phone while train was parked. Wearing all purple (remember my notes on colors and purple with spiritual? From my poem posts 2017, around these aforementioned. See the slides around my son’s Poseidon pic with the line “magician’s playground” and orange skies? My hair, outfit that day). I noticed the train drivers and/or police were actually considering it, so I made a recording, then they “changed” their minds.

In the same train an ugly duo of Indian women wearing matching pink dirtied shade like my socks, shitting grossly on bathroom next to us and smirking and making sure not to close door. Rotten punzel bitch started to overflow the sink and jiggle her fucking keys non stop and spread water all over the train cart next to us. In Berry an overweight bitch of afro background wearing black and white stripes literally went to take a shit right next to us, the place we were at being across the street from the VIA rail station. Remember my son in a train posts, plus? Including one of the poems they are obsessed with “AEon” and renamed Verum with my son’s photo in the train, he’s got my Superman hat which Roy Mohan family stole, in 2018/ 2019 timeline. One way ticket to the blues or moon shit, old song, and their every detail retard shit, etc, adds. Eliza Bleu and forcing children shit approval, lying about twitter content getting Polaris award, a username of mine, and human trafficking child rape content approved circulating twitter, next to Musk Grimes using their matched to n birthday and even names kids with sexual comments from the accounts, adds. Don’t forget neither expected anyone to find out they run these accounts as pseudos. Being found out our of stupidity, like the doxing and pseudonyms usage operative if Tesla with Musk and Grimes running it, where there’s a legal docket of them having to admit to being behind the operatives and the pseudonyms used to try and cover their image, and false break ups publicly. That’s how Grimes gets promoted as the “opposite” of Musk.

In train crap from Niagara Falls July 2021, the rotten punzel shit, right around us, advertisement for egg farmers and ancient Egypt shit. Remember Elon Musk bs of “gotta crack a few eggs to make an ommelet.” Yeah, retard.

There’s a street nearby Niagara Falls train station named Saint Clair, and in Toronto where Colombian culture is vibrant also, including a festival known as Salsa in Saint Clair, and that’s part, next to Pattinson’s mother, why Claire Boucher/Grimes was picked from a bucket of worthless to plagiarize me, since their “David” turd shit didn’t pan out like they expected it after car accident and Cory Richards fake sentiments then posting himself with some woman named Gemita and even mocking”Cowboys vs Aliens”, etc, trying to make me feel ugly, fat, old, insecure, who’s the insecure bitch? A 20 something worthless whore half naked posting sexual captions getting likes by a drunk failure divorced cheater, promoted as a basilisk by Iger Musk and club over a survivor, talented female with self respect, or myself, the actually doing positive, person minding my life, business, and trying to uplift others. Look in a mirror midgets with perfect lives, trying to glorify your white trash privilege over a migrant survivor.

Right after Cory Richards Gemita shit, was “David”, Amber Turd shit. The goal? I’m ugly, fat, undesirable survivor migrant, disabled single mother of disabled kid. Pretending Amber Turd would be better than me as picked by Musk, and Roy Mohan rapist raped me when I turned him down multiple times 2015 and 2016 was when he raped me in my home, you can tell it’s them sending, same time Cory Richards, and the malpractice case failure, which they forced prolonged to align to December 2016, from beginning of 2015, again where I rejected Roy Mohan advancements, and him and his mother were harassing me, etc. To all of this add, Musk’s faking affiliations bs 2018 on my stuff, then plagiarism shit with grimes and trying to pretend is their art, ideas, works.

Fake “me too” bitch, glorified on the aspects of myself, while I am assaulted by these fucks. Privilege fuck retard shit, using race? “Proper British” Suki shit, have you heard your stupid asses talking? From the sound, to the things said, to how they are said, to when they are said?! – Whenever I have a next relationship, sex, and or if marriage, rest assured he’s gonna be a tall good looking caucasian, with beautiful blue eyes, a great dick and body, proudly standing next to me, saying my name to my face from his directly, in person, on and offline, whatever the hell, and there’s nothing you can do about that; you know why? Real men aren’t retarded morons submissive to jaded pricks. Not interested in your worthless parade of ugly stupid fucks. You all reek of bent over petridish bitch.

I honestly have no clue about Pattinson and his mother, know what little bits I’ve mentioned because of this crap, myself looking it up, like zodiac, place of birth, full name, to see why the obsessions, it can’t be just a joke of an artist fan and I of calling me a Cullen, it wasn’t about dates or men, but literally a Vampire goth reference, which everyone always has known as my style, my artist fan / friend being a published goth artist herself, hence the comments; I had a lot of indy and hippy type of following, and art that mixes, again, adding because retard be like.

From Pattinson’s mom, Claire, I know even less, I don’t even know her full name, just remembered that because of their bs with Grimes; I don’t even know her birthday or what she looks like. I don’t remember what his dad’s name is, siblings if any, etc. Perspective.

Mentioning because of all the crap here. Does she have curly hair? Remember toilet blood urine bitch shit around Valentine’s.

When I came here to this house July 2021, I was also in ALBERTA, end of August to beginning of September, I was there alone. Edmonton. Remember twilight Edward – Ed? Prince Edward Island? Them forcing brown people BS? Yeah, same in Alberta.

Remember Grimes curly hair shit? It was because of live watching devices, and I had taken selfies of myself since other people that asked to take it in my behalf made sure to take ugly ones, them trying to force people in the background, to match my selfies with nature, where I’ve even had birds align. These kids were pretty rotten, trying to grab my breasts, insulting photos of my son calling him a girl, etc, if anything twice I prevented them from getting severely injured and or killed, one almost blinded the other smacking rocks, the other almost got crushed to death between two boats, don’t assume, I expect karma to happen when I am not looking, and their parents, should be most to blame, obviously. Don’t assume rotten children equate to a person who’s done no wrong based yo n age, but that’s how vile all of you are in this shit. All you are doing is driving those souls to worthlessness, and it’s your fault, no one else’s.

Anyways, curly hair shit, Grimes post was envy over the fact I took pictures of myself and looked fine, and my hair flew up, matching my other pics, over her rotten attempted Musk cult shit, that not only threatened me but demanded I voted and voted conservative.

I took this picture of myself, after a philipino Scorpio zodiac woman gassed me with motor fumes, in purpose, trying to literally injure me. Yes, they mocked they were trying to kill me, multiple times. And, the father of the man that is her husband did not hesitate to mock aboriginals and make racist comments about colonialism, hoping I’d what assume gonorrhea is aboriginal and laugh, therefore I’m an idiot laughing at myself, as if? If he said Claire boucher should be kick in the nonexistent tits, Robert Iger is a fucking loser, Elon Musk sounds like a retard, Amber heard flaps thinks every man wants her somehow denying reality, etc, of course I would have laughed and or to the least agreed, if you going to group shit, you forget I don’t think or am anything like any of you cultists or your “leader” and buckets shit; you must think I’m Claire Boucher Grimes or Amber Heard Hitler turd, or one of those POC losers bent at the petridish of another wanker loser fuck. Sucking it’s got your brain full of air.

It’s not coincidence that next door to this house after my trip 2021, and myself having the grey fox encounter then by Buddhist temple, after the cocksuckers harassing me and my son with cocaine shit, they have a grey tesla. They’ve parked already twice trying to record my face, etc.

There’s no surprise about other things, keeping in mind the attempted gaslighting overnight, and disturb my sleep, hoping I’d message the owner yet again, and the night/ morning prior (yesterday, family day) attempting again, since I talked to house owner and his partner about the stolen food items and gave them a better backstory, including mentioning the Valentine’s day bs with police, and the severity of stalking, the things I’ve written about (occultism philosophy) and these people’s warped takes. They have already caused damage on their stays, including Christmas day, and trying to clog the toilet recently with Qtips, second bathroom.

Trying to paint me as problematic also, since they owners already said they like me and my son.

Look at all the forced alignments.

Something else, Twilight movies were filmed in places of Canada I’ve been to. Particularly British Columbia and Alberta areas.

Remember retard trucker’s convoy by Musk? They’ve done it forcing matching my locations of travel, particularly all locations in 2021.

I was in Windsor before I went to Edmonton, Alberta, I was in Niagara Falls, first time this same house prior to Edmonton, with my son, and we went to Berry before we came to Niagara. In Berry, bridge assault.

What you also don’t know is my son’s name BROCK, and Sir Brock statues in Niagara Falls, Berry as well, and Windsor, all which were strategically referenced through the only locations suggestions of our trips through Airbnb, in lesser words, they forced it according to availability of rooms, and price gauging significantly.

(Jason Roy Mohan shit forced alignment), brown male, trying to get me with his daughter in a restaurant and in deer Lake Edmonton Alberta 2021, like a date, but FORCED, bootleg (I think faking or lying about the origin and how “recent” their accident, because you could tell they struggled using it like it either just happened or were faking it, I know because I am disabled, I sometimes lose mobility, to sometimes full paralyzed, and again, I know what is like to be disabled with experience or not, and what’s fake) references, remember my tweet mocking Musk’s “Portal Gun” crap? “Don’t forget to warn users about the blender dimension, and bootleg portal fluid”. That was march? Or earlier 2018. Grimes hideous leg and tattoo and then trying to constantly feature it, ROCOCO BASILISK JOKE DATE plus, adds.

Don’t forget I am a disabled person, and they’ve assaulted me medically, trying to make me fully, and permanently blind and physically crippled, 2018, throughout; remember last year 2023 denial of medicine and trying to pretend I am not disabled, I have older documents that prove otherwise.

Yes, doctors who tried to kill my son inside vaginal canal on spring equinox March 2 2009, forcing delivery then although I went into labor a day prior, see them forcing bs dates and mental illness crap, during his birth, and denied justice, from it, in spite of undeniable evidence, etc, same network of vile shit.

Rococo Basilisk Joke Date crap.

Brown doctor with cracking my molar also and Roy Mohan showing at my house door with eaten old piece of slice pizza, just after dentist shit, at the same time Musk blocked my friend from being able to log on to twitter for multiple days, forcing alignments shit, this just before my son and I’s trip to Prince Edward Island.

My son and I had to cancel our Niagara Falls trip December 2022 which we were going to stay in this same house I am at now (we had been to another house in Niagara in October 2022 for tree planting) for Christmas and New year’s, but the disease issues due to them tampering with vaccine and food, got worse; remember the Suki shit in Giza with Pattinson December 2022? My poem about twin souls titled 222 from 2014? All the pointed out stuff? Yeah. Mentally ill nazi bitch in delusions she can usurpate me, and proper British shit, PENDRAGON last name, etc. Fucking racist insipid worthless whore.

We also cancelled our trip to Montreal, because of some cock sucking bitch shit too. She thought she’d lie, and change Airbnb details to make me loose money or force me on the street in winter in another town, or force me to travel at the specific times they wanted. I still have tickets in Montreal, and they have tried to both block and also force alignments, to pretend bullshit, imagine being this pathetic at this point in evidence. Coward army. Jaded moron shit undeniable, usurpators, rotten.

BTW, these fucks are desperately trying to claim this Suki whore in Guiza with Pattinson is why I got so sick, fuck admitting to human actions tampering with my food, vaccine and denying access to medicine while sick. This whore’s actual “magic”.

If you recall my notes on the queen last year, it’s obvious it isn’t Charles but these fucks, add his sudden cancer diagnosis, let that sink in, this is what these people are, scum. Kimball Musk taking a picture is a basilisk alignment; if they open the doors to Musk, tesla and or affiliates, then you know the truth who’s what. Imagine endorsing a Jeffrey Epstein affiliate with worse shit, while denying Andrew; don’t forget Grimes’ mocks over the queen’s death. A pedophile pro rapist asssulter as is public knowledge of Grimes.

About malpractice case bullshit, Rococo Basilisk Opera crap lesbian conversion shit, (if anything I couldn’t give a fuck about the stances I alone made that gave lgtbq recognition as more than the pretext image of disease and sexual perversion, keeping in mind how ignored I am while assaulted forced lesbian crap by a fake lesbian, nazi thieving fucking pedophilies and rapists duo of don’t call me gay or bisexual, dykes).

In Toronto, opera house outside Sun Life Financial insurance building, what you don’t know is I used a sunlife financial sticky note to draw symbols, “privacy” of my home, them with these things pretending to take/ absorb me and or magic? Therefore you become. Don’t make me laugh, you aren’t funny.

Whatever the hell entitled twat fuck with money delusions.

Texas doctor whore retracting evidence during trial, fake me too abuser whore Amber Laura Heard from San Antonio Texas, fake lesbian white supremacist because she knows she can’t measure to someone like me, so thinks being born American white trash somehow is superior to me?

Damn, the cocaine brain runs hard.

Not all doctors are the same, but rest assured it’s a network and they are trying to rid of doctors whom aren’t pieces of shit, those that actually assist others. Look up medical malpractice in Canada, and see how much also Ford, Trudeau, Polliviere (conservatives of both parties of leader), and others are doing to benefit the pockets of insurance companies, this is year of the dragon, and the sum of adds to 8, add my former name stuff, Avicii murder passed as suicide for whatever the fuck reasons, Musk Grimes sun to 8 Amber Turd name initials and lifepath sum shit, 8, my Legal last name PENDragon then trying to pretend it means a pen for cows, women farm shit, etc. This is why you have no future, 420 funding secured. Rest assured Jinping Putin Salman america Canada elsewhere fucks top to bottom and across, my basilisk bites harder than your coward dykes pretend to be magical and you are capable of with trash cans, raping, torturing, assaulting enslaving pieces of shit and whatever the fuck you believe in.

Satan, God, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, any other deity and me my supreme I don’t believe in anything being, don’t like you or your army of scum. Isn’t it obvious? Whatever you prey to, doesn’t want you, and whatever is bigger than you, hates you to death.


Yeah, this level of entitlement, and retard shit.

Suki Waterhouse shit further proves it. The Waterhouse crap, and water of life 420, stolen from my stuff.

My older name numbers 33/6 lifepath, 2 name initials Pythagorean sum, 2, 6+2-8 420 – my zero stuff, plus 2+4 – 6, 2×4 – 8. AMLL which rearranged spell multiple things including? MALL – dress shit crap Iger Heard Musk Grimes MET gala shit.

Robert Pattinson is from London and one of my last names was LONDON. His lifepath like mine 6, and his name sum 4 – 10/1, 8 (former name) added to 1 is? ,9. What’s Suki nazi bucket shit? Lifepath 9, and sun sign matched to my moon sign, sum of name which includes letter A my first name, 6. Iger shit with his whores Amber turd, and Suki putting A on it. Clamedya promoted as Anthropocene shit, etc. Delusional fuck twats worthless shit self glorified, believing somehow therefore they become. Wtf indeed.

So in Edmonton 2021 besides this bootleg fucker trying to force date like situation, which is fucking gross, had some Colombian gf (must of been coincidence, right, I mean, he is there driving from Toronto, brown like Roy Mohan, has a Colombian bisexual bitch and a kid, yeah, trying to build images and narratives about me, must be a total stretch, obviously), and kept trying to call me pan Asin the Spanish word for bread, and trying to force equates to vagina.

Ugly stupid cock sucking fuck also trying to gaslight with commentary how his gf would want me, and it’d fine with him, yes, acosting me OUTSIDE the house, where I’d sit to meditate alone, to talk this shit, since their attempts with another D initial fuck, talking how he is gay (myself unaware they were basilisking me, and gaslighting trying to paint me as anti lgtbq to glorify this whore dyke and her fake break up single mom shit; the nerve, the same dyke that posted kilt and trans bathroom in Texas rapes happen by trans fuck wearing a kilt, trying to assault lgtbq for fake image, also posting fake paparazzi shit reading communist manifesto, trying to pretend I am shit I am not, and that she’s my shit; fake Chelsea Manning shit, and fake secret lover not talked about but evidence on a trial somehow also scheduled for 4.20 yes year? You guessed it 2022; proves, besides faking not being with Musk at October 2021 MET gala, and Gonorrhea posting herself romantically with Muck at met gala backstage in 2021, after also China Vogue magazine cover August (my birthday) 2022, plagiarizing my art, and as a basilisk on gays mock.

See how little fucks I give about both your anti and your pro while worshipping/ protecting these whores and or ignoring, you deserve what you hail. You’ve done nothing positive, your actions/ inactions caused me harm, while my actions, benefited your lives. Pretend, ignore, distract, doesn’t change.

Don’t forget the Buddhist temple stalking shit and the water shit.

Add, when my son and I were in Kelowna in July 2021 also, same shit of sexually acosting and even threatening to my and my son’s life by house owner there whom listed himself under a different name (Musk, Iger, Grimes, Amber Turd shit btw), who wore Batman shirt, and they stole my batman hat, I had lended it to my son, during our flight in.

He also went through my belongings stole money and tried to steal my small bible, ripping pages and returning it when I recorded a video speaking loudly what would happen if my Bible didn’t return.

Remember gonorrhea clamedya dyke at MET gala October 2021, with a book like my Bible and other shit, trying to look like Optimus Prime, but also trying to match the colors of my marijuana tools purchases while in Kelowna, and my bedding at my then Toronto Penthouse, no fucking joke; this dyke thought that therefore her non existent dick, combined with murder, torture, rape assaults, destroyed LGTBQ rights “dark/ suffering energy” for her piece of shit make belief “transformation”, would make me a born straight (doesn’t mean every penis is an equal or the bodies or the dweller of said bodies) person, gay, trying to promote Qanon narratives of gayness is a disease/ mental illness and/ or choice.

Like being a piece of shit wanker who thinks dick equals strength, or a bent over vagina hole that assumes themselves likeable and womanly for seeking validation of such fucks. Ha!

I guess these individuals assume super stretchedout flaps are like a dick, because of the petridishes they are used to, since it’s all they each are to eachother.

Remember also “Book 1” lesbian conversion therapy space opera black swan cyborg ballet shit, rip off twisted to that garbage, out of my art.

This “bootleg” retard cocksucker in Edmonton Alberta August /September 2021, also being from Toronto, btw. Roy Mohan shit aligned, family day, Valentine’s day, this year 2024.

I dated that piece of shit 2004. See it happened two decades ago, gonorrhea Iger numerology shit plus others, it’s exactly 20 years shit, and February 20 or 22 some shit like that, since he was a horrible bf I myself called it anniversary then (bitch is only being talked about in hatred because of these assaults, my son and I will be at peace when we hear he can’t be around ever again, neither one of us thinks of him and or his family in any other way; it will be a great day when he cannot longer ever even try to msg one of us, truly). If he was a positive, or good looking, or smart, or heck money, good in bed, conversation at least, do you think this son of a bitch, mother, affiliates , etc would be forcing relationship bs? Trying to do rituals shit see if it works shit? LMAO.

This is typical wanker rapist loser shit. Forced lesbian shit, etc. Imagine playing bisexual for fucko males and talking about forcing lesbianism. How ugly and stinking is your roll of nickels coward ass bitch drinking the blood of a murdered person in pasta sauce, cooked to mask it, shit stange? You didn’t become Tim. Avicii Rim Bergling wasn’t in a relationship with me, drinking his blood dykes Heard in wine, and Grimes in pasta sauce, made by paid people orcas Musk listed in his own words “by a trusted team”, would make me a dyke obsessed with either one of you ugly worthless whores on top of that? Did Suki whore assume fucking Robert would make me desire her ass because of stealing stuff and doing witchcraft, watching cameras shit, aligning shit, etc? Talk about mental illness needing apprehension.

Jason Roy Mohan cheated, wasn’t around, used my places, things, money, cars, etc. Assaulted me physically and sexually, verbally, psychologically, etc. Deadbeat from before my son was born, suggested several times I abort him, and harassed me, stalked me, etc trying to cause suicidal and depressive thoughts while pregnant (I lived in the house by the river, forest, just across the street from lake, mentioned above with my son’s picture, where the Rizzy person in motorcycle accident died, and another “Doug” house owner, mentioned on some posts last year); hospital assaults of my son and I, besides witchcraft shit (don’t forget I was Christian then, unaware of the rottenness of the church, and voted conservative blue color affiliated here in Canada, unaware of the rottenness then), this harm my son and I recieved during his birth were part of deals Jason Roy Mohan cut with his drug trafficking connections (his own words gave that away), to suit his “I control you now and fuck having this kid (my now 15 years old son) too” shit, Jason Roy Mohan also trash talked my son at hospital calling him “it”, having a competition with others who’d get to use me and take advantage of me, someone telling me this fact after, while drunk, and miscalculating what they were saying, thinking somehow it’d turnaround to be okay to say, and claim somehow one is less worse person than the other and this is totally okay, etc shit. Multiple witnesses and admitted by deadbeat also.

Not satisfied with that, continuing to talk trash about my son, and saying “it’s gonna die not matter what”, yeah, the fucking nerve of every fucking body in all this shit. Redefining worthless, just not the way you think.

My son Brock is 15 years old and no presence and no financial support by this rotten, ugly, moron, criminal, abuser piece of shit, but somehow that doesn’t add up to no fucks given, but harassment in behalf of deadbeat to two people he’s targeting, by pigs in Toronto.

My talks with my friend the last year plus on DMs, where we both have unveiled our awareness of eachother, and like I said, Musk, Grimes , Iger, Heard, cult stalkers and affiliates, knowing all along his identity in real life, mine as well, and these assaults, etc., show the significance of these data abuses and where it is and where it is headed.

See quoted tweet

The mental illness over people’s faiths, which is why although I am not an atheist, I find it denigrating and insulting to be called an Atheist, (it’s a fucking group of incels online trying to convert everyone else to believing in their human flawed self as some absolute in the universe themselves as the superior intellect because they aren’t knowledge in ancient cultures, is worse than any religious group that has ever tried to convince me of why their God is “the god”, you are ignorant, appalling, self absorbed, in denial of your reality, more than a religious extremist), it’s why I covered everyone’s faiths, including the more obscured; I like to remove bullshit out of public discourse, the distractions that keep all of you in the same retard circle of shit.

I don’t believe in anything, and I also don’t believe a bunch, a few, one ignorant loser, misinterpreting a belief equates to them representing others in similar.

Your Atheism god, thinking putting others in cages makes him superior, makes me laugh the most.

As an actual being above such awful stupidity and pathetic corruption, the inferiority and outstanding awareness of, is a shit show, anyone with two brain cells can notice so.

Don’t get me wrong, this turd world war shit, over “secret” societies groups, is the stupidest cringiest of shits ever, but what’s the point on talking about such things to minds that cannot escape where they sit?

I might as well talk alien and expect to be fully understood by those that aren’t; in lesser words any human looking being on earth besides me.

I think I already do, I think I already did. I think I already am, obviously.


02.20.2024 11:43








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