The episode of the Simpsons that is main in all the things done to me and particular of this year, all I have shared across on BLOG (www.adonaiorion.com/Blog) is wrapped in this episode of the Simpsons, every detail is largely fit in it, along others and other aspects (big brother, etc); see forcing pretexts of involvement in my son’s life, and the sex abuser and trafficker that is Roy Mohan (see episode date and birthday, plus their nonsense, including Tim W stuff, etc), the Roy references plus on the episode, the things aligned in our real life, including his harmful acts and harassment of our lives, including copying things life FOX references (see my belial posts, plus their numerology garbage, mera, aquaman, the actor, again my son’s name prior to his asking to change it as he has never liked, less as he has seen the harm in his life by the same people connected to it directly not merely in forced associations for likeness, etc.), and other, which my son is extremely appalled by, needless to say what is about my life, when I covered and proved plenty. To all said, proven, etc, add the evidence and the details of continuous harassment, plus, and the details even here on this SIMPSONS episode, and the date it aired, which aligns with their October 11 nonsense and near, I pointed to someone recently which I will have in a last post. Again, all these are merely to prove after all posted, shared, and minding my own life as I always have, and fully away from these things, the assaults worsened, and the continuation of these, claims, plus increased, etc, including trying to paint me as someone’s date and so on when they do not even talk to me, even if, the fact of other things, etc, again, pointing the obvious harm, corruption, back and forth, denial, and so on. The aligned for profit, benefit, and the BS of false hope, etc, as all decays, and the worst is hailed over the better and more favorable of things, not in greed but in actual value, which is true wealth over trash wash of pretexts numbers mean anything, while voiding the quality of life for quantity of lack.
Air date: November 11, 1993 – this date aligns to next year numerology “2024” adds to 8 as so does this date. A lot of things, their numerology stuff of “5”, and all the things pointed on these and the pythagorean, rewriting, symbols, plus, including remembrance day, “poppies” “black and red” my robe, etc. Assaults over my son and my life of years, including specifics of last year, and this year, even trying to force things like volunteering places and the sorts as pretexts for these, etc. The true staple of fascist self destructive world.
10.22.2023 17:00 UTC
Add the other things previously posted under my Youtube, after the posts below.
Here is the text on the image above:
Typed onto a translator, shows nonsense mock references, hiding their form of communicating with each other, through abuse, do not forget these are not published. Add, try to claim that anything I talk about/ expose is because of their nonsense, even claiming it is weed, drugs, and fake meditation or even people who do that, no joke. See this and the other claims under comments on social, etc., this happened yesterday after I arrived home from purchasing a used device, and stalked disgustingly, including matching my birthday outfit from this year, other things, the water stuff which are from a prior birthday and my son stuff now forcing that it is them, their MET nonsense posted recently, etc., predominantly using black women now catwoman actresses and batman, Haley berry reference simpsons? too, also MET gala all blue, see recent things about it, a reference to a post from 2019/2020 with purple on my instagram near an airplane “swoop”, other West Jet and Swoop situations, forcing calling themselves my shadow/ twin soul and pretending to absorb/ represent me by force – rape captivity sex abuse mocks, etc. To that, add same across the street from where I live since mid august this year, not long after my birthday, and on the day of, trying to run me over with a white tesla near the harbour front, where I have been an inhouse collaborator previously, same thing yesterday, where also aligning it to limiting my access in stores, etc, and blocking searches online to force the situations and alignments, and their assaults, of course over my life and society as shown. The “DAVID”, etc all proof of such and more, considering the locations I have gone to school and worked at, and the different situations arising. The SKILLSZS nonsense matched to my college diploma still withheld without proper motive/ reason by school, marina, marina assaults to my son and I, clown, ronald macdonald, the police lending to it, forced penis mocks death angel laughs bs, death threats/ assaults over my son and I, police mockery and self mention of musk, vatican, etc, pedo guy, see kids, haha, pregnant reincarnation bs, and huge penis bs and proper british nonsense, jack and birdie bs aligning to our trips and their assaults, and the suki watertower forced match to my personal, even my Aquarius moon/ ascendant which is gross beyond denial, the water stuff as mentioned 2017 birthday “PIGOUT on treats and pizza”, serpent river, etc, again a reference on a timeline of my unawareness of the scum mental illness, and regardless, I am not anyone’s puppet, property nor mentally ill, I do as I desire, to as the ignorant and rotten pretend, based upon stupidity and the forced forget, repeat or else, as if.
My things and son’s and our older themes, posts on birthdays, the locations, names, letters, etc etc and the mental illness can go on as so does the denial of is and isn’t, etc with stupidity, etc. color and mocks across again with a white tesla etc which they also did before moving one across the street and all shared/ not shared evidence and details, including most recent which is plenty to anyone who is fair and detached of outcome for personal or otherwise. Of course Tesla is not the only brand used on pretexts, stalking and harassment, and it is about assaulting me to push and pedal political left, right (Ford, doug ford, blue, etc, and forced claims and all while using the political leverage in this country to use everything to assault me, again the medical, tech, etc, on and on goes as so does the outcome of all of it and what it entices beyond the hands of the delusional), middle, business, stock this that, person this that here and all over, etc. Scum.
NAME TO FACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT like to any other proper and even the vile of the world which proves my point of how awful, receives, is the only thing I involve myself in. Anything else indirect claims, or even pretexts of use this brand, social, place, watch this, listen to that, comment here, blink there, mention this or that situation person, etc, you get it, as if that made sense, is the usual same garbage from the ignorant of insert whatever the hell place/ Musk, Grimes, Heard, Iger affiliates garbage, and they are all over, of course, their MET gala ROCOCO BASILISK, etc mocks are about showing off while people don’t know, exactly that(spionage, cameras, etc see kids, and laughter, assault, NWO jacket, cyborg stalkers murderer, quite literally their “water of life 420″/ “dethStyer” as seen obvious mocks rips of my things to harm me and others, while mocking and pretending is art, etc). That I exposed all these things without harming, or even breaking theirs or any laws or having help, and they are livid, while trying to save face and destroy me, it’s also obvious, including trying to take credit of aid, or even ownership, affiliations, etc nonsense, all over, from many. All I am getting is stalked and adding to denigrating my person, my son, our peace, our lives, image, and invalidate the evidence of what is and isn’t by diluting it in BS paid and orchestrated by the same shriveling cum bucket games, period.☄
10.22.2023 13:42 UTC
Posting part of what I have shared on Youtube
since these things here on a slide since I am out of memory on my drive at the moment. All prove everything I have shown about the assaults, etc and all people involved. Not described or pictured, school garbage language yesterday, another attempt by the koffin individual with CAS last week, etc.
The collage I just made of some evidence points, below the picture, I’ll post the text on image for easier to read/ translate.
Last, before I go, anyone assuming and or pretending I am anything before, now, and/ or later because of anything or anyone or/ and that I have someone equal/ superior next or as enemies, etc, is also asking for it.
It is not okay.
My obvious joke of calling someone I have if anything done favors for by pointing they are being danced to their harm/ death, my “boyfriend” was ran with an attempted to erase me, to place them above me, simply because of their corporate and like affiliations and benefiting my enemies directly/ indirectly; I don’t effin think so. Mind your places and the kindness and purity of my being, and my being nice to, even though I am not acknowledged or respected, or find yourselves soon where you actually deserve to be.
It is not a threat, it is simple mathematics lessons for free, out of my merciful kindness for the ignorant and self absorbed, from a much powerful and able being, obviously.☄
You are welcome!
10.17.2023 07:05 UTC
Yesterday Monday after eclipse and Friday the 13th, trying to align a black woman with all blue again by Harvey’s (BUDDHIST TEMPLE BLUE MORPHO, THEIR ELIZA BLEU AND CHILD HUMAN TRAFFICKING MATERIAL FOR PROFIT AND GETTING AWARDS CLAIMING TO PROTECT, POLARIS ALIGNMENTS, THEIR ASSAULTS ON COLOMBIAN ECONOMY AND WOMEN FOR GRIMES AND HEARD, DORSEY PAYING FOR SELL OUTS OF COLOMBIA TO PRETEND BS AFFILIATIONS TO HELP PROMOTE LIES AND DISTRACT, HIS FAKE MEDITATION BS, THEIR FAKE ME TOO BOLLYWOOD PRAYER HANDS ALIGNED TO MY ART AND THEIR CRUSHED HANDS, ETC all further prove all this bs and claiming themselves as symbols and things they are not like jesus buddha others, even spirit summonings and reincarnations, as far as attempting to eulogized hitler on top of it as something of the sorts, helped by rich elite jewish men, etc to help validate this gross crap), simultaneously a grey tesla forcing opening trunk to force match art of mine (out of a box poem, see my fox stuff etc also) and a dream a few years back of my kid, only possible to know watching us inside our home evidence too, as if it wasn’t overwhelmingly proven, outside the Harvey’s (proof they call heard jesus/satan/ lucifer – rip offs and plagiarism of my works of course in their envious vile ignorant beliefs and takes), an electricity/ energy box grey colored with skull/ ripper black sharpie drawing on it, etc. Again, obvious, besides there is always starring at my son and I, etc from all of them, and even forced slowing around electrical and water things, etc. They are using other cars, and like things around to further their delusional practices of matching things to these buckets names etc; tits u nonsense, teslarati and whatever the males are calling themselves, and so on. At a freedom mobile store also denied service and bs attempts to get my money and force me to be in the store 45 minutes roy mohan doug ford elon musk lifepath numerology crap – rapist energy (formerly wind mobile, their w and aquarius (stripper fish aquarium crap on shelter aligned bs) my ascendant and moon main zodiac, and their bs and the people there to force alignments, including people dating other people, also see freedom musk trucker convoy with doug ford, and f fox etc, besides the logo of the butterfly, and again the plagiarism and assaults they are doing with this, the books of summonings they keep referencing along, pretending they are gods, witches, spirits, magical, whatever the heck else, while stealing and copying my things and when it is out of the human trash acts, claim it is because of them, like Ogopogo, comets, etc, calling themselves even jesus and satan, pretending they are belial, and so on. Ha. The store clerk/ servant’s own words and specifications of the time and what numbers of funds I could purchase, etc show further their nonsense, this included a basic known thing which is fixing the name on my account, and denying it and pretending no one does it when often people get married and change it, then pretending when I pointed it out I have to wait a specific amount of time sitting in the store, a reference from the oath I used, to have them show their mental illness out loud, like all others online, at home, anywhere else and they are so evil vile and mentally ignorant that they celebrate themselves and think they are aligned with the universe, yes, that the universe conspires to help rapists and abusers over others is the lame psycho envious mentality – see those BS comments around my pages and social of them under pseudos claiming chipped and when I posted the truth about such false tech claims, trying to ignore and talk about “psychic” powers and “synchronizing”, etc. Yeah, talk about overwhelming sources of details and evidence all directly from them, spread across their pseudos and cultists, affiliates, etc. Years of data since 2018, and prior. This store service agent/ clerk, a cultists who was trying to then kick me out and I told off as I left, also knew I had no phone on me somehow, even though I didn’t mention it. Perspective of evidence. Denied to call the company on their store phone too. Mississauga police some playing in their behalf too, driving around my son and I, doing the same thing, the mock of I bet she thinks is for her benefit but watch the pig reference haha, and calling me dough-nuts and “pigging out” assault crap references; aligning to Jack dorsey bs claims in 2019 trying to force pretexts of who and what I am to save grimes image as something she isn’t and erase me, while doxing anons, etc. The Jammal Koshogi and Tim Bergling stories alone prove Jack Dorsey is scum. He is the reason Jammal Koshogi got murdered by Saudis, he helped orchestrate that with Musk for their eating people and drinking people “viking” crap, the evidence is public fact, washed as “employees of Twitter” BS, however 420 funding things all of them, Dorsey Musk relationship, including Dorsey with “I appreciate the activism of punk” – a reference to cyberpunk what they have named rococo basilisk assaults, Twitter buyout, etc all prove otherwise, regardless of the tyranny and abuse of leadership and authorities worldwide, the scum media of curating abusers as otherwise, and the cowardice of the ignorant hiding behind weapons, being a group, etc on devices and or in person as they do their lame assaults over people, of course.
oath august 16 all the details posted about, including the route to the location which is not where I should have been sent, I should have been in Toronto or online. Add, a month minus one day exactly, september 15 (musk, heard, iger, grimes bs and patient hands bat ballet art of mine and their BS, etc, further shown) beach garbage stuff Rouge park, aligning a tree planting one day after eclipse and two after friday the 13th on halloween season, and aligned to my tree planting last year in niagara falls, we weren’t in the list of rouge park for garbage picking originally, they claimed someone wasn’t in their office and why I received the email, denied reply from a separate email to niagara parks, inquiring about tree planting as well, and they were aligning their michael koffin etc crap also – see my notes on their BS with CAS – Childrens aid society and the schools; all the michael and like named children after me whom used to be known when younger as mars fire/ candle because of my middle name and the way I defended people from abusers, in spite of the stakes and odds. At oath, woman wearing all red and white shoes a limpbiskit ben stiller “steeler” cybertruck crap etc, reference as I pointed out, a black jamaican (I believe, based on her lying sharing) descendant, with fake niceness super stalky, twirling around, etc. i talked to her besides because I am a mind beyond stupidity and pathetic corrosive attitude of niceness and fake politeness backstabbing garbage, because i knew it was their nonsense and they’d be celebrating themselves like it means anything, anyways, her false out there claims with mermeids and comb and at the river shore/ beach, etc., adds to evidence of political persecution and harassment by mentally ill cults with murder, assault, rape, torture, theft, etc luck energy beliefs, as it is beyond proven, all facts, involvement, affiliation, and the ill beliefs them hoping it’d benefit them for gain (obsessed watching a person like myself, and misconstruing everything I am and do, of course, as worthless, ignorant, moronic envious, evil morbid minds can only do, while parading lies and deception of who/ what they are/ have and/ or target), that’s besides the ROCOCO BASILISK evidence, of course, all the harm socially and proven already like COVID and mandates, plus. “beach-comb” is a word also, and what they were mocking. forcing hunger etc and then telling me and my kid off with police for not going to a shelter and food bank and instead opting to even go partially hungry as they wrap our money in crap and withhold; I didn’t do it because I knew it’d be evidence as they’d be angry of something not happening, they’d try to force others, and they did. Obviously it wasn’t because it’s magical, even less that they control anything of my life, emotions, thinking, etc., you have to be delusional failures to believe anything of such pathetic low crap mentality is anything but, especially to a being like myself that is far beyond the reach of, obviously. An army of scondrels and an endless list of all kinds of assaults already attempted and received show it all, on top of the cowardice by absolutely every individual involved top to bottom and across being irrefutable and undeniable, etc. Years left behind not only since 2018, of an envious, pathetic group of worthless by choice and in full awareness parading the harm of the envious minds they possess masses, who play fake lesbian bisexual he/she delusions of being anything else, besides buckets to vileness and envious failures, harming across, even their worthless world of imaginary futures that will never be. The huge encampment outside the shelter with huge lines near my area that was empty until september? this year, never again prior like this, the electrical towers there, the stripclub right outside, the aquarium, etc. All to pretend it has anything to do with me, validate fake claims of magic and control of life/ reality, when it obviously is all from the same scum source of worthless useless garbage individuals with delusions of being anything more that pathetic worthless human beings at their most bottom feeding of all kinds of backgrounds races beliefs economic and social statuses, orchestrating civil war and concentration camp energy bs; like they have been doing in the USA with Latin American children and people, etc. since all these things, and other countries as well; always playing left right and whatever else while all working together assaulting people like myself who are survivor and have done actual positive things.
Not pictured: our tree planting emails from niagara region and denied to be in the list for this year, notice August 3rd is one day after my birthday, and see their minus one day bs alignments.
09.26.2023 11:08
Since there is a character limit under YT descriptions and this is really where I wanted to share this, as I haven’t done official posts here after I posted the closing Blog post of this project of mine months ago (see my community notes under this YouTube page for more details complementing the rest of “Blog” from “AdonaiOrion”), why not make a long detailed post here, along a link to my upload.
A perfect summary plus of points and data linked thus far, that prove everything, and that trail the secret of what is and how and who is behind ROCOCO BASILISK crap.
Waiting for my 8 billion signed dollars to arrive in the mail any time.
VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/zRBX5bURtTU
“The Burns and the Bees”
Animates series TV show: “The Simpsons”
Season 8, Episode 20
Air date: December 7, 2008
Clip: Homer Simpson and Moe, African Bees; making an abomination.
Rococo Basilisk assaults of my son and my life tied to multiple episodes, plus other things; my tweet exposing the lies and pretence of Musk, Grimes, Heard, Iger and claims over my life from things about me, to pretend protect/ defend me or know me which said: “grab them by the basilisk”, Homer and Therapy for Bart, and Bart dropping snake in homer pants episode, and musk’s fall/ winter 2021 UN penis and kids stuff for food, etc.
Musk’s Qanon a rip off of my “OrionQ” “Model Mayhem” page, and stalking the places I’ve been to with “Freedom” convoy, hitler tweet by musk 2021, games of enemies and feign of being anything to me more than the actual fact of denying who I am, my rights while assaulting me and pretending crap all over from everyone political and otherwise, etc.
Celtics basketball team, plus things. Mark cuban mr burns in this posted episode crap, ***they deleted a ton of these details just now as usual***, their assaults and forced alignments with my poem 222, written in 2014 that I posted with my ninja art from 4.20 2014, where deer and blue eyes are mentioned, my jagermeister hoodie posts, and so on.
I also have polaris and orion wines i bottled in 2015, jagermeister is a german alcohol with deer logo, them buying twitter year 2022 matching to my poem 222 that mentions Avicii and his song with Nicky R “I could be the one”, their nonsense a reference to iger heard musk grimes first name last name initials and lifepath combined numerology crap, X roman numerals 10, their bs with shinigami eyes [suicide demon; 420 funding secure, avicii bled out, flesh without blood kill v maim favorite songs, avicii bled out saudi territory on 4.20 same year, saudis being the same funding 420 funding tweet, and twitter buy with 5+,420 reference, etc], death note anime, and even same year 2022 of featuring orion poet on the simpsons with voice of the weekend, who’s from toronto where my son and i live and he was born, their continuous assaults and dancing murder and physical sexual social BS of assaulting him and making forcing claims as they try on me too and they’ve done in the past as posted prior, jason roy mohan rapist of my life crap, forced add him assaulting my son who isn’t interested in anything to do with him and him trying to pretend my son likes him while aiding on forcing aligning these harmful acts on both my son and I since my son is also named jason and roy mohan is born, in the town next to toronto, Mississauga {their METis garbage fake aboriginal with grimes to force that, and indian crap, racism as usual from NASA and UN – NAZI/ United Nazi – their references and these organizations members of their scumbaggery, and their oversights over these acts show the growing corruption and staying power of obviously}, my son and I have always lived on a place that borders Toronto and Mississauga also myself long before all of this, besides also adding a J initial brown person to try and kill my son in my vaginal canal during delivery at a hospital with same name as dr attending, and ultimately ripping the nerves of my son’s left arm march 2009, also aiming aligning it to the spring equinox, and attempting to align this coffin african named person with fall equinox, a year that adds to 7 (2023), my son’s lifepath and musk’s bs, including Grimes also forcing matching their numerologies nonsense, burned hair perfume from stolen hair of my son, heard grimes crap last year add to evidence, this last week’s attempt a reference to @dmx “X gonna give it to ya” Ruff Ryders and Musk’s BS RRR tweet 2021, Tucker Carlson , MET 2023 theme KARL and CARL.SON, and Carlson calling Musk african american 2021, etc.
Another of several attempts using a black person as racists who believe in color bs superiority do, as a ritual for political crap {rip arm left nerves, choked to dead, born literally cianic/ blue – the conservatives in canada being blue affiliated and their twitter blue crap, roy mohan stating things about my son when he was just born like: “i am not going to see him he’s gonna die anyways”, and “cocaine party”, “nothing much happening” as my son is again fighting for life and death during his reconstructive repair surgery at six weeks old around may/ june 2009, not long after his nerve ink test in april 2009, musk grimes “that’s a lot of cocaine” and dating [in 9/10 year decade anniversaries of things] april 2018 tweets, neuralink false claims, alien ink tattoos grimes crap, etc}, forcing my life to these disgusting group of people with serious mental illness; see the 911 and simpsons as one of several examples of the proof and the circle’s rottenness and the things referred as “DAVID’S BASILISK”/ “ROCOCO BASILISK”/ “ROCOCO BASILISK JOKE DATE”.
Toronto being known as the six, Musk, Grimes and affiliates mockery and plagiarism of my poetry in toronto with Adam King and Talk To Transform for Neuralink, not long from there, faking gaga plagiarizes grimes and announcing their alleged obviously fake pregnancy with their x nicknamed kid january 2018 right after besides these details of this kid and their legal name like mine further showing evidence, an attempt to wash off my evidence with BS noise and claims, which include Iger and others pretending enemies with Musk and claiming I am anything both talent and or known because of them, their fake magic, mental powers, tech, and even personal and intellectual prowess that does not exist, but cheap rips of people like myself acclaimed as their “knowledge/ ideas”.
“Chromatica A STAR IS BORN” – was grimes on the Veld festival august 2023/ this year? there’s more evidence of their planned crap since 2018.
Kill v maim and the veld and avicii who posted a toronto reference the same day in august 2017 I posted a modelling picture of myself from my ORIONQ “Model Mayhem” page, with a poem titled “BLUEPRINT”, see the blue there and the blue eyes and poem 222 further referenced by Avicii; Mr. Bergling and I had never any relationship and my being known has absolutely never being because of anyone else but my own talent and abilities, including promoting myself alone; these circle of people behind assaults have wanted to claim credit to elevate themselves over myself and plagiarize, feeling entitled as “owners” with false claims, and drawing in gross greedy minds willing to partake in the abuse and harm of a person’s life who survived captivity, rape, torture, comes from poverty and has done amazing things for the planet and for people, without money while they claim these things to enrich themselves, see their becoming wealthy out of funding facts, etc.
This gaga thing happening right after AVICII/ Tim Bergling’s death, Grimes being featured in the Album, while Gaga (means Joke – ROCOCO BASILISK DATE JOKE Musk Grimes article promoted by musk on their relationship reference) follows Grimes and only a handful of accounts on her social media for a while since 2018 through all these things, collaborating.
Add, Bradley Cooper (Grimes Claire Boucher name initials “CB” btw, but also a 5 reference, lifepath of amber hitler heard/ roy mohan, etc) “A STAR IS BORN”, you can see is their mock of Barney Gumble about “ALCOHOLIC” “soul of a poet” and the referencing a north western european short film that parodies this, titled: “A STAR IS BURNS” by @freshbloodFILM , posted on YouTube. Add my car accident 2017, my posts which they have plagiarized since including a poem that says about “The Butterfly” with mouse, pig and dna mentioned, butterfly mentioned on other prior poems, including the alluded on Tim Bergling’s/ Avicii last diary entry before his alleged suicide, “The butterfly that will become one with the infinite source”, from my poem AEon (“Ash on”/ Aeon), and “True Stories” line, where Tim referenced his “True” and “Stories” stuff from, again these being over a year after my poem “222” which featured Tim Bergling/ Avicii’s song with Nicky Romero “I Could Be The One”, and my Ninja self sketch anime art and my theme “BASS NINJA” for my EDM music stuff, myself only starting to write songs which also many people trended and reposted themselves, etc, one very specific about Base/ Bass Music.
Plus: my notes on skills, add Tim’s notes under his alcoholic song on YouTube, and Grimes crap with Musk’s 2018 tweet about “EVERY DETAIL TELLS A STORY” MET gala outfits, including ROMAN numerals references and pythagorean VVV – 555 and N.E.W. and NWO in latin on Musk’s jacket – a reference to justin timberlake “Like I Love You”, and calling Grimes SKILLSZS, her twitter handle with szs, fake lisp to mock accents as i have one and Tim does, the blanked out heart on avicii’s post, grimes meaningless hideous tattoos, their comments with “beautiful” and “grime U” (“grime” the nickname given later to “alien art”/ “psy art” which is what I had been known for in the artist circles for years way before these things, outside my writing poetry, philosophy, music, and photography) under my art posts where multiple musicians used to follow, like, and comment on my art stuff 2018, same timeline of musk heard iger grimes bs and furthering assaults of my life from what they had been doing for years, my older posts of philosophy that I had deleted several years prior that trended in anonymous circles with {myself SUN} “SOL – School Of Life” and the line “students” stuff, again them later with “TITS U”, and in 2018 “Elon U shirt april fools/ joke day” replying to my tweets from earlier that day “what’s your energy c-currency”, paying about love, and my transformers themes and ROME photos poems, see them in 2022 year “222” reference and vatican as my son and i are assaulted, the police come to mock while mentioning their names since it was exactly 3 months from april 1 and their nonsense with c xi jinping ccp police, year prior 2021 august timeline also with death is a choice and venus painting cloth crap in italy, and fake breakup months later while taking photos making the same cloth reference at the MET with a weird October 2021 date, instead of usual may date, which grimes and musk posted a reference of in october 2022, last year as they bought twitter, and in april 20 (4.20) 2022 (222 poem) fake lover crap removed from court citing insufficient evidence when literally screenshots of direct dms between them and photos of all three people – fake lover musk and grimes were originally submitted with first filling october 2021, and musk’s oldest son with x in his name faking leaving musk april 2022 also, while making references of my stuff and romantic poetry to make it seem as an affiliation just as they became of age (18), add another just coming of age the jack sweeney stuff and fake doxing grimes, also matched a simpsons episode of course, grimes and their attempted to fake reference myself poems like “Orion” as procurer, using these kids I do not know at all, since these people get paid and promoted in exchange anyways; see the amber heard musk harm of depp including cheating, and later faking “me too” as heard is literally the domestic abuser and depp the abused, myself an actual survivor with police, military/ immigration, federal data evidence given the false claims of kidnapping by the captor/ sex abuser fall 2004 when I ran away just as I had turned 19, the bixesual nazi pedophile abuser hoping I’d be forced by his circle to go back, the no status from withheld documents by him which left me even with no health card, social insurance identification, school, work documents required by law, etc, even a witness trial of a falsely accused of attempted murder jewish woman, which prove the rottenness of all authorities involved), in may 2018 musk renaming grimes c, hot pants the lighthouse simpsons episode, futurama “assy come home”, musk and shorts mocking and faking enemies together and the tweet about sending shorts to a “DAVID” alleged claimed short seller of tesla stock (likely how they have doxxed and killed/ harmed people who are shorting their companies like TSLAQ, and or betting on competition stocks/ involved with other companies which do not suit their monopoly harm greed interests, of course; their Discord crap fall/ winter 2022 and attacking me further proves it), these musk short box tweets 2018, happening while someone broke in my home stealing underwear, and my blue h&m shorts I am wearing on my eclipse 2017 photos posted on “0pendragon” and having the H.E. Honda element car where I had the accident later, musk posting about trolls stealing underwear and lady of the lake vivian (same name musk’s first son changed their former name x-xavier to, same year someone broke in our home and stole clothing and hair from my son’s stuff, including his hair for a donation for a child with cancer, and musk burn hair perfume and perfume salesman biography crap 2022), the troll underwear and stealing from my home clothing, add that and the katy perry parody of dark horse and victoria’s secret underwear lines, plus other of those references, and my art crown stuff with lighthouse and a black sea pearl earring which were stolen with other of the same type of jewels which i had bought for myself over the years, diamonds, gold, silver, precious stones, etc., musk grimes met gala crap and every detail, also with vanta black crown and disease, a simpsons movie death and crap silo reference, amber turd and crapping the bed as a shitting cheating reference (how they spreaded covid originally by the way and how they plan(ed) to spread the next disease, see also the pink plus blooms in TETIS lake BC Canada last year 2022, after a “birdy and jack” british couple, at a house i stayed mentioned it as a good place for me to go swim there with my son, we didn’t, i knew they were tits u shit going on, they also had a brown person there, again see their racist crap and their aboriginal, this man talking how he works with the aboriginals there “helping”, etc, don’t forget grimes fake metis ancestry not only matching more of “tits” crap evidence with aboriginal and box boobs and lisa simpson fake microwave japanese word tribe from the simpsons cartoon, add corn cob kitchen curtains, corn stuff, musk candy corn, and grimes being from vancouver and how i was just steps from the ferry, etc, add them and their crap literally and their nonsense and water of life 420 dethstayer nicknames used, while doxing as per their own legal admittance in court statements over claims of why they are doxing people like Martin Tripp and even non tesla affiliated, see my notes on these topics under my community posts and see the links, which show their mental illness and belief of being dark suffering energy for their luck – “crushed hands/ patient hands. etc.
Again the elon u shirt by musk april fools 2018, 19 days prior to avicii/ tim bergling questionable like jeffrey epstein’s suicide (shinigami is a suicide demon in japan btw – see grimes shinigami eyes song after these; if you look at the only last two pictures of tim/ avicii, you also see the mockery, see the tshirt on the husband of the couple, a reference to musk grimes, and the lone woman celebrating her birthday a reference to heard who’s birthday was just a day after; musk calls her mom because maye musk has pretty much the same birthday btw/ psychos under shorts in discord early 2023 mocking my stuff, while falsely calling me sent by ccp and a liar, making the “musk motherfucker” reference and laughing, show their bs even more), “grime u” comment under my stuff at the same time of musk’s april fools 2018 with elon u shirt, subtweeting me with grimes heard and iger, the katy perry dark horse parody song from 2014 on Youtube with TITS and make up reference, grimes play destroy song 2018 with poppy and the line putting makeup on, etc, the short film “A STAR IS BURNS” details, plus further proves it; renaming Twitter X (also reference of sum of musk and heard name initials numerology and lifepaths 7, 8 – 6 too) pythagorean being 6, plus F.O.X. 666, ad their later inserted nonsense with Robert Pattinson and Suki Watertower (lizzy wizzy and water of life 420 crap) later in 2018 numerology crap, forced matching my life to her ish, “proper british”/ “Brit TITS”, their BS with Grimes and orion carlotto (car lotto reference) grimes on simpsons references death note, them with community notes at the same time i added “the notebook” (a movie I’ve owned for years and is a top favorite; they inserted this character roy mohan as they knew I was planning to run away late 2003 but waiting to be of legal age 2004 from the captivity given tech abuses, and I was fascinated by this movie when it came out, although I didn’t get to watch it then, and no this inserted scum wasn’t in my life or is why I like this movie obviously, but inserted not much after I started to solidify a plan to make this scape happen, including him showing at my home with plagiarized poetry claiming crap of love, always claiming he wanted to buy something and things like that since [i spent money even paying for his bus and food on dates, plus buying him presents; he wasn’t a good person, smart, good lover, or anything of the sorts, i have always being nice and i thought if i was nice to people it’d teach them to be the same and since he obviously lacked these qualities, in my ignorance then, I thought to lead by example; there was not only nothing special about him in the valuable and or superficial, but below standard and subpart if compared to other people in my honest statement], roy mohan lack luster acts both in persona, romance and more, were always claiming he couldn’t for the dumbest/ stupidest reasons, etc; these acts all in the hopes of their attempt to crush me emotionally of course, including with his disappearing after they felt i was “in love” to crush my spirit, an awarded and published poet on a second language those years, in spite of their abuses, etc.) – see the Rapunzel movie, and gothel crap later on as more evidence of their matching mocking garbage abuses of the timeline of my captivity.
Back to Twitter “community notes”, and them forced matching announcing the feature, same day hours later, same day i posted “The Notebook” movie clip of “noah and allie” lying on the ground, where they almost got run over and the “coca cola wall”, shinigami (suicide demon japanese) eyes grimes song after avicii, cookie monster, and even one that collaborated directly with her on violence “i_0” deaths, them mockin the simpsons short film parody of “a star is burns” with alcoholism poetry references, @avicii songs “Alcoholic” and “tweet it”, their crushing illenium stuff, wine country tesla deaths around the same timelines of their bs 2018, etc. all show these references; add Mrs. AU tesla deaths, “AU” which means water in french, and their “WaterOfLife420” aka sewer of heard references, Jagermeister hoodie on my selfie and art pictures, the deer logo, the deer again a reference in my 222 poem, plagiarism poetry by people they send also referring to these, etc.
The simpsons and what seems Dutch like film swedish/ nordic German short film (A STAR IS BURNS) and all the other things I posted previously on my youtube community and other notes, which show their assaults on society, including murders of leaders, see the awards of the Japanese PM whom was shot to dead last year next to someone wearing orange and that happening right after they do a weird wave using their thumb like a trigger, the security of the PM protecting them instead of the PM, ORANGE adding to 6 in pythagorean numerology of the english word and a combination of red and yellow, all three fire colors also, but see their obsessions and their political crap, including parties and countries’ flags in their nonsense (my eyes are the rare tones of yellow waves / rings and orange, with light hints of green and light brown, and the blue eyes I have mentioned on my poems being part of their BS also).
Add too, my poetry site “33AMUP” and @PUMA these stalkers with ADIDAS and now adding PUMA on themselves to force match it for Heard? or whoever else from “TITS U” ripping me off, perhaps already or planning/ seeking a deal with this company?, since Stella McCarthy and Grimes crap 2019, forced matched to my Valentine’s themed january 2018 poems posted then on “0pendragon” (my photography page, which also musk and heard are mentally ill forcing aligning to their daughter and who knows what else neuralink and the ceo of kids with musk, etc – a huge disrespect to true values, family, love of kids, etc by pedophilic, abusive, thieving, corrupt, promoting/ ordering rape murder etc content and acts, self centered worthless individuals, of course) and my book “I Love You, Mr. Moon”, including my peace message thwarting their North Korea gaslighting to attempt and start nuclear world war III January 2018 and get somewhere, likely in america, a country in a continent that links to others with many nations mind you, which would have caused severe catastrophe worldwide even if only one nuke had been deployed and that’s of planetary proportions, not even geopolitically speaking, on top of it (then president and present plus other authorities, UN and partners as proven extremely aware of these heinous acts, and nothing but ignoring and in one form or another enabling/ overlooking the assaults over my life, the one who is affected and has exposed these things all alone) add to North Korea nuked stuff, the South Korea deaths on “I” initial street Halloween last year 2022, and besides Grimes ninja stuff with ripping off my things and mocking the dead of the Japanese PM 2022, as in stealing his awards (Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest civilian award of the Republic of India, after the Bharat Ratna, dropping off rats in my home and taking out a brown rat just around trying to force the african man named like “coffin” entry into my son’s room and the exit, also a reference of mexican soap opera “usurpadora” posts on my list 2023 [a week/ two prior an indian boy at the store spilling purposely the cherry blossom soap i had bought all over my groceries and forcing packaging them strategically to BS, see myself animated pendragonark art 2022 and cherry blossoms my eye as number 6 which happened naturally from the original image i sketched this art from, which grimes posted a super hateful comment talking about vampire stuff, same day when i took it, and deleted it when i posted the original to my page where I referenced the original take date, since she had just through her army of scum tried to assault me and take horrid pictures, and i took this picture without effort my hair flying in the air, etc], “vindaloop” steve, “korean airlines”, “total recall”, etc from South Park and many more tv and art stuff, my trip april 2023 with my son and all the crap around prior and after from these people, plus assaults of my and son’s privacy and profiting as they make bets plus over their planned acts and degradation of our selves in home and while travelling since we can’t cover the bathroom, tub, and beds the same way we have at home, india stuff, their bollywood promos of heard grimes, their other tits u members, disney deals, warner, tesla 5th/ 6th? factory, and other things aligned to these, further prove the horrid ignorance and stupidity of everything and everyone involved at all levels).
Movie “The Last Knight” by Michael Bay and my last name “Pendragon” and the king “Arthur Pendragon” lore embedded are noted, happening much after my things, poems plus of several years. Iger, Grimes, Musk cybertruck crap 2019 an obvious reference to my stuff with “Transformers”, including posted 2017 around the “Blueprint” poem, and after accident, others, including about “the butterfly” things they have referenced also (the song in the Barney Gumble “Don’t cry for me I’m already dead” also used on the parody from “FRESH BLOOD FILM” is from an Italian woman and is titled “Butterfly”, grimes allege italian heritage and musk’s met gala jacket, besides a mock of my usage of latin throughout years of poetry, add my poem with lion picture from rome taken august 2010, and “marble rock bust” line I originally posted in 2015 reposted on april 1 2018, before they started to subtweet me with “bankwopt”, elon u shirt crap, palo alto, etc).
“Transformers” being an originally animated japanese anime from 1985, same year I was born, their “a star is born” nonsense, Amber Heard lifepath crap, also forcing name initials of tim, grimes and mine, even bergersen, mine, roy mohan given the thomas name/ last name, plus.
Elisa Bleu fake human trafficking survivor and getting “polaris” award with lies first trimester of 2023, a reference to my old photography/ poetry “0pendragon” page “0polaris”, and lying about twitter addressing human trafficking, pedophilia, etc further the evidence of these acts and their “ROCOCO BASILISK” of assaults, lying and getting paid to promote a sense of safety, wholesomeness, etc that does not exist.
Not long from the October 2022 South Korean rushed crowd on a street with letter “I”, “I”-Iger getting his place back at Disney as CEO right after, with his BS of “the future is TV”, my TV which I purchased December 2013 is Samsung (Japanese Business), Musk Iger and Samsung cut a deal for the cybertruck and cameras, around the anniversary of these contracts, the shooting of the Japanese PM happened, serves to add him being a liberal candidate and their exclusive “conservative” links globally with few like “liberals” and “alternatives” as already publicly known (truckers convoy canada, red wave promise and pee mason jars at twitter as musk took over where he also tweeted about drinking his own piss, a dictator movie reference, and these prior plus also a reference to simpsons too by the way, same as the black leather gloves and jack sweeney stuff, etc), the cybertruck a reference to Grimes made by them as a mock of my Optimus Prime themed as self poetry of many years for which @MichaelBay “The Last Knight” movie years after in 2017, and again Grimes adding these ninja stolen themes at the same time these things of deals and the dead of the japanese PM are happening, and their buying twitter round the same time of iger ceo crap and the awful deaths in south korea 2022.
The artist Avicii posts on his social, and albums since my poem 222, like with “stories” are referencing my works besides that, on sweet manners and love songs for whatever reason, my guessing given all these horrid facts, a mock of fake love or a “love you will never have”/ false hope/ false security/ false support, given Iger’s and the TRON LEGACY stuff. It is all these times thus far from absolutely everywhere related to art and even legal or otherwise, these people have always being faking back and forth things, and “enemies” as always all those assaulting my life in some manner, taking credit, and getting paid while I am denied, reduced, even oppressed.
These stalking gang of Musk, Heard, Grimes, Iger and affiliates with their blue halifax house and other stuff, it being owned by someone working with the same company as “TITS U” Yaccarino, add to all of it) the boarding planes denials happening while either myself and or son are wearing my art pieces last year 2022, places where they also set fires this year 2023, used people of particular races, symbols, colors, business names, etc throughout to force match to all these assaults, abuses, nature harm, and attempted plage BS, etc.
Keep in mind also my art being printed only so far with VistaPrint who is a sponsor of Cheltics, Enes Kanter changing his name to Freedom and being featured on Fox, myself posting a nice comment to Enes under one of his posts about it then, posting a blue heart with my comment on his statements, before Musk’s BS with “TITS U”, and Twitter Blue, Musk Grimes Heard Iger with “Optimus Bot” and “Bumble C”, etc.
My mocking them tweet I made of “grab them by the basilisk” end of last year 2022 beginning of 2023, their BS with simpsons therapy and snake in pants, stalking the same things while pretending to be other people all the time to diminish/ destroy my evidence of these things, etc, further prove all of it and so much more.
ROCOCO BASILISK garbage which shows also September 11 the trade center and the facts behind whom Binladen was, training with the armed forces, the affiliations of saudi sovereign crown and musk, a republican and liberal elite circle member as trump, biden, yaccarino, iger, heard United Nations/ UN membership speaking spanish by the way, don’t forget she’s representing a hispanic white supremacist rapist pedophile bisexual N-Nazi, grimes etc stunts have significantly shown, add russia ccp, plus nancy pelosi and her stocks with disney, tesla amazon and also their political crap, zelensky (z.e.lens.sky and a comedian plus v alignment to putin and grimes being half ukrainian and russian etc really add to the mockery) ukraine and seeking musk a known russian link to add dishes to spy on the ukraine forces and the citizens that aren’t in the take over, funded by the USA, while NASA contracting continuously with such a person non stop, and even removing other contractors to make Musk and affiliates more exclusive. Musk and his talks with Putin then pretending to be a peace breaker last year, Zelensky acting half ass offended with a twitter poll trying to suck further while Ukrainians are suffering, the pedophile elite ring club and epstein and NASA, FBI high ranking members plus membership, including DEA in colombia cutting deals with these nazi pedo circle also and more, myself made into their mock blueprint as in a lifetime of assaults and a show.
“To Catch a Predator” is an American reality television series in the television news magazine program Dateline NBC featuring confrontations with host Chris Hansen, partly filmed with a hidden camera, of adult men arriving at a sting house to have sex with a minor and typically being arrested as a result. First episode date: November 11, 2004 exactly two months anniversary of September 11 and NYC trade center, add all their stock long and short shit, I ran away on September 4 2004 from the pedophile and in this show the intro featured the song “Bad Boys”, a year prior I purchased the album from the movie “Bad Boys”, see all the references of these things and decades aligning it.
The movie “Bad Boys” which has a reference to this song and Will Smith whom they have made many references of, including the Genie from Aladdin live action in 2019, and “Healing” and cancer hair loss by his wife, slap with Chris Rock, during an award ceremony, etc, a reference to my stuff since this crap in 2020, after I started to expose face to name with undeniable evidence.
Musk’s Basilisk Joke mock with “Pedo Guy and bet you a signed dollar” 2018, his deep years links to Epstein, and this circle in the republican party who gave ROCOCO BASILISK simpsons joke of trump as president (a known and persecuted including settlements since the evidence was irrefutable, pedophile and rapist and obvious incest with his daughters references) from the lisa president buy bart’s music stuff, with heard bs who’s middle name starts with L, fake aboriginal, plus again all showing this disgusting world wide of decades abuses through data, even long before Snowden unveiled but a fraction of these details which was already horrific as it was.
‘TO CATCH A PREDATOR” final episode air date: December 28, 2007 add to that Yaccarino CEO of the same news place that ran this show, filling for heard and nazi german playing father/ mom with iger and musk over my life crap, and Iger, Heard, Musk assaults of my life through “DAVID” at the 10 years anniversary in fall winter 2017 following my car accident, including sex abuse plus rape prior year in 2016, cocaine references and looking for someone in even spoon drawers as i am assaulted by jason roy mohan and his mom aiding him on assaulting my life, roaming my apartment hallway screaming false accusations right after raping me while I was sleeping, these people knowing with forced cameras, and aligning it, abusing the access i had given my son in his backpack (they also are using police keys, and the superintendant keys in building with V name by the way, now to enter into our home against my will, and he forced a security lock off i had installed to keep my son and i safe when we are in since they broke in to steal a can of soda while we slept using keys, by forcing the door kicked when we didn’t open once, on top of against my rights, unannounced and even if against my rights, etc, my son being in the shower at the time of this forced entry happening; a pedophile captivity of anniversaries forced aligned reference and the rapist nazi throwing me down the stairs after grabbing me by the hair forcing entry to the bathroom in a similar manner when i was showering, so you can see the gross abuse and the future all you scumbags around me and pretending to be this/ that signed yourselves and youth everywhere to, mocking and laughing at someone who doesn’t deserve any of these things because you can’t compare to them and you think you are stealing their lives this way, as gross vile worthless souls can only do/ believe, by the way), a key I had given my son in case of emergencies, since my son when younger used to go to jason roy mohan and his mother lidija thomas house, the assault of my life in my own home, also aligned at the same time with denying the case of trying to murder my son during delivery and disabling him for life in court with Texas doctor, the south african (where musk is from) monument crap of blindfolded angel holding the scales, and opera right outside the sun life financial building a mock of insurance sun stealing from me, conservative jewish lawyers and lies, an iger nazi jew crap as in german’s the rapist pedophile that abused me in my childhood reference shadow (sharing zodiac stuff and forcing aligning these too add even more to evidence of the mental illness of rituals crap, and “drawing energy” bs beliefs, which is often the things behind pedophile rings too anyways, as many known legal cases with evidence documented, and other things known publicly, including from the reich), their shared aquarius and adding grimes crap, and the pedophile’s “i will ruin you all your life not matter what” after I stopped him from killing a woman choking her to death in front of her children and her vile self telling me to beg him for forgiveness or go homeless that I was on my own just hours after, me paying for her and her daughter whom then was just a baby years later, and her welcoming him in when he was deported even though two people including myself were paying everything for her and her daughter and he wasn’t doing anything, just wanted in the benefit, again asking for my help and using me when he ended in jail for murder driving a taxi a killing a motorcyclist and disabling the cyclist’s gf/ wife for life months later, these are what everything 2018 is strongly aligned to by the way (see those messed up parallels forced by them by the way, including car accidents, etc; the house I lived at in 2008 with someone and a name that sounds like dog, fire department, the motorcycles and tesla cars particular on firetrucks and motorcycles, etc all there), to get him house arrest, get money support from me while I was pregnant and already helping their two same age and older than me sons here, etc (chinese tiger heard – t.iger – and musk heard relationship, and iger treating him like a protege, etc, plus suki and robert p forced aligned stuff to my life, and more continue to add to the details of their disgusting obsession with me, rape, pedophilia, harm, etc); yeah gross, and yes that’s you people, “holier than thou” scum pretending and otherwise also pretending other crap.
Further evidence of matching this show “To Catch A Predator” with false hope while assaulting my life and pretending, is all the KARL HANSEN case evidence, him approaching me december 2021 when my evidence was strong and then promising something and never following up; myself being polite and trying to excuse people as usual because of believing no way humanity across can be this fucking gross, politely reaching out again, him doing it multiple times while even making 4.20 references in our texts exchanges, the Twitter blue tick, and the karl stuff with MET gala theme, all these, add the fact that Mr Karl Hansen was also on FOX news featured on a talking legal segment near the coverage of stocks.
These all aligned to the 10, 11, 12, etc, years anniversary of the last episode of “To Catch A predator” 2007, Mr Karl Hansen began working at tesla 2017?/18, a 10 years (decade) anniversary match of the show exposing pedophiles ending, who had CHRIS HANSEN as the presentator, and Epstein, iger, musk, and German links to the FBI plus other espionage and military american organizations, really show the severe grossness of everything, everywhere, MET gala Kaerl Lafarge a line of beauty theme this year at 15/ 16 years anniversary a combination of german and my lifepath, by the way, they have matched all over 69, days from 4.20 and musk’s birthday crap, cancer zodiac logo crap, etc.
This simpsons episode mentioned on this clip of: “Burns And The Bees” in particular with trying to get my son kicked out of our home these people, and authorities lying, with evidence of the lies about these things of claiming no paying rent by thousands, when we have payed and on time all this time, my son who i call bee, and joke he is my smithers to my burns as he has helped me occasionally this year, as i have gotten severely ill with disability flares due to their health tampering with vaccines and even food, etc.
Add, taking a brown rat they dropped off back around my birthday this year, while making sure my son and i are with no money to no afford ridding of the rodent tools and forcing their starvation crap around my birthday, the award reference with the murder of the PM of Japan, and trying to enter a black african man from “TITS U” with the name “Coffin” sounding plus others like “Pokemon”, Children’s Aid Society/ CAS and a CAS.T.ER reference, mocking a post I had made prior just weeks they deleted, and I actually added it to my community notes recently as I noticed they deleted it from where other people had comment replied too, also looking to listen to my music, plus more, to force these assaults and on top of that calling black people demonic while pretending their worthless disgusting rotten humanness is anything more, than merely pathetic whore trash/ scum.
If it sounds repetitive is for reference, if there are typos is a mix of long and tampering; at the end is all about silencing and showing the corruption and loathing wrongs of humanity across these things, including every scumbag assaulting my life as army sluts or whatever else of crime, bs anon circles, and or even law plus.
My more than entitled and overdue disgustment with everything and everyone everywhere as of late; treating a survivor who’s been a flawless perfect person in this world like this, is beyond appalling and a picture of worthlessness of humanity and the civilization built.
Using gender, race, religion (the hypocrisy of christians and their beliefs while pretending you are stopping the devil while assaulting me, seriously fkd up), poverty, etc to further denigrate and mock them (myself), add to the fact of rotten beyond repair, needless to say.
09.27.2023 04:58 UTC
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