As I close the posts on this “experiment” I ran for a few months, which I posted some on Twitter, and YouTube of this page, and for which I made “Blog” for, I thought to put a summary of my views on all transpassed on this short timeline.
“Rococo Basilisk Joke” is not something as described by these interviews about “Why Musk and Grimes are dating” (by the way: Basilisk, snake, s, poem 222, VVV, V being 5 in Roman numerals, s in calculator, and 2 reflected, plus removing S from Musk, and Grimes – becoming “Muk and Grime”, and the stain on cloth mock, etc, further add to evidence of stupidity by these individuals, +), but the fact that across society is attempted passed as something “thought provoking”, and “nerdy”, or “joke”, adds to the picture of decay of human kind.
The horrors by people like Elon Reeve Musk, Grimes/ Claire Elise Boucher, Robert Allen Iger, Amber Laura Heard, affiliates and cult, without question, or doubt are proven, and not only this, are horrific and show the deterior of values, besides in itself, along other things, also showing the ignorance of society and as an extension, it is no wonder the decay, poor craftsman and thought of what civilization has become, particularly on the timeline of these people influencing aspects of it in any level.
The not only ignored, and never addressed injustices and harm, are irreparable, and the people affected beyond reproach, far better than any and all individuals enacting these things, unquestionably.
The purpose of this last leg of this quest I set myself out to uncover and expose of what I have been put through, simply for being a pure hearted, and talented individual (while difficult to understand with the wording, a selfless non self centered person as myself, is also the why of these things; a mock on “oh, you aren’t about yourself, then you don’t mind being usurped” then; narcissists Amber Heard and Grimes being a big deal behind the “thinking” reasoning of what abuses being enacted, adds to the point of the evidence; Musk an incapable individual and Iger a self absorbed with no original thought men, being also actors of, are further displayed in the choices of mockery and wrong doing), myself with no help, no assistance ever, who in spite of, overcame horrors since birth, and tried to pave along the way new and better opportunities for others, was about proving that it wasn’t a matter of knowledge, evidence, or “unknown” aspects from myself or otherwise related that have placed me in this horrific situation, nor the causation of denying proper treatment to a person, including basic access to social services, policing and law.
The reactions to my words both posted under this page I named “Blog” of my site “AdonaiOrion”, and said in absolute “privacy”, which is denied and intrusion forced against my awareness and will in my home, attempted to be treated as if they were acts, when in themselves are straight forward thought and sarcasm respectively, not to mention done in a brief period far much after the actions of abuse and simultaneously the attempts to seek proper legal means, and even the patience to unravel, prove, only to be mocked and denied further, in the belief that the abuse I’m put through is nothing I can do or say anything about, simultaneously the same mere words of thought and mocks, attempted to be reasoned as motives/ evidence of why I am abused, along the “bold” attempt to seem “brave” by those doing so, goes to show that my experiment was not only necessary, but why I made it the last step on my process, the conclusion of this is what you are, humanity.
Not even in the most examplar of wrong doing have you ever seen heard that these things are done, let alone that anyone could truly, unless warped disgustingly, believe that somehow you can pretend this is done for the good of anything, regardless of how much or how you spin it.
Only appalling and horrific, ignorant individuals would even attempt, let alone fully continue narratives, while gliding over the reality of things. Even if emotional intelligence is fully lacking and evil and irresponsibility are what are favored, the lack of intellect is also a situation of the greedy and envious.
Self interests account the balance of reality, or stupidity is what becomes outcome, and regardless of heart or heartlessness, intellect over ignorant belief understands the hefty costs of allowing corruption to blind in ego and greed.
I have not once in my life disrespected anyone in any fundamental, period. My acts have been of thoughtful and kind guidance since I was young, and even while in disturbance, they have being aimed beyond the vile, self absorbed and corrupt, the corrosive and rotting of the mind and soul.
The time I took to craft the words I used which are often affiliated with thoughtlessness, and apathy, with envy, hatred, destruction, were there to prove a point.
The minute they showed up, the giddiness by the same abusing my life could be palpable on the air; I screech of envy seeing itself in its rotting limitations as finally equal to someone that will never measure to, based merely on calculated words, simply because the corrosive and narcissistic see themselves as more than, and believe that the most pathetic of situations equate them to what they aren’t otherwise.
The concept of “watch the abuse harm I put this person through and watch them say/ do something I consider lesser, therefore now they are equal or beneath to me”, beliefs by self absorbed narcissists.
In the case of my story, screaming words of truth in less palatable language than my usual, the glee by those who are incapable of anything of value, in worthlessness feeling superior or same for the language no longer being something they are able to degrade in claims of being lesser because they are of respectable approach, over ignorant, and self absorbed.
The worst of the awful situation being, comparing actions of horror with mere aftermath words, after all said and done, and ignored.
To be more focused on bringing back to the large part of the end of the point here are a few generic statements that really go without saying, but for the sake of, and basic reminder of, here it goes.
I believe that the human body each person is in, it’s theirs and theirs alone. This doesn’t equate to ignoring the extension of decisions and actions affecting others, nor is an invitation in their impositions over others, but as fair rights and responsibilities each have according to being alive and being part of a tolerable, and acceptable society.
Women’s rights to abortion, plus. Transexual people to experiment and make self aware, educated choices over their bodies and so on.
These have to be paired with the understanding of actions, and the protection of youth obviously, otherwise it becomes a door to abuse of and the self destruction of individuals, and as an extension of society, and social discourse and acceptance.
Transexual people and gay people differ in choices, and the proper understanding of what a transexual person is versus that of emotional choice too matter, and are impossible to address and open to understanding in a moronic society that has turned the things that actually matter about these topics into mockery and merely opportunities for politicians and those seeking endorsement and coverage to use as a polemical topic, to further stir and disrupt society in further negative acts.
Gender assigned at birth differs from choice by transexual people, and sexual orientation differs all together from assigned gender, sexual identity choice, and the respect of science separate of emotions also matters on the topic, and proper applications of medicine, and access to, which have also become extremely difficult topics to cover due to politicizing and celebrity endorsing turning of things that are supposed to be about all of society and civilization, way outside the scop of who’s in temporary leadership charge, or the flavor of the idiots of the season.
The LGTBQ community have lost significantly their hard trailed efforts, exactly because of these things in recent years, as much as women rights, people of color rights, and even things such as basic choice of medical, and access to legal, etc.
The irony of medical services access stripped in countries like Canada (see Doug Ford in Ontario Canada as a perfect example of scum acts), and denied, limited (through classification and or pricing) in countries like USA, and others but the enforcement of medications with no proper studying, for both political and financial influence and gain becoming again, enforced norm, goes to show further, how none of these polemical things that have swindled emotionally and in acts society in recent years are about people, but simply psychological manipulative tactics, employed and deployed by the lesser minds who sit in positions of influence, who do not want to make things better, as they understand it is not something they are capable, and a person that is, threatens their positions of abuse, unavoidably.
When you see Grimes/ Claire Boucher and Amber Heard both have used the pretexts of LGTBQ to advance themselves and careers (they’ve also used government funding for low income artists, lied about being and experiencing poverty and abuse, while being abusers themselves, and other disturbing actions, lies, and claims), all while being extremely toxic members of society, financed by anti LGTBQ businesses and governments. These facts further add to the point of needing to address people name to face, and stopping the usage of group labels to shield from accountability of wrong acts.
There is nothing wrong with people in full awareness, understanding, loving/ deciding to share their lives with one another. The enforcement of pretext relationships are actually harmful to children and society, yet the priority has been to force the narrative of male female, even where the abuse and lovelessness is what is portrayed and experienced by those in such situations.
If the issue of love is in concern with what will children think, the only thing they do is how a loving situation reflects in their lives; sexual desires and affiliations are something both learned a d experienced later. If the taught is focused on self respect, it will also remain the focus of that person’s thoughts as they grow up.
In lesser words, my stance of trans, LGTBQ acceptance and rights remains the exact same it always has been, that in proper knowledge and respect, we are each owners of our space, and this includes our bodies, emotions, and who and how we allow these.
The enforcing of what a person is supposed to be and or to feel on either pro or anti is wrong; the enforcement of the views of one onto another are not how people accept anything, worse the fabrication of perceptions and acts in society, only serve to reinforce hatred, division, and destruction.
On the example of what I brought included the disgusting narrative of forced lesbian conversion of my life to force Grimes as my lover and twin soul.
A person who’s philosophy opened a welcoming space for LGTBQ in spiritual topics, and also who pioneered non gender language in art, being targeted by elite women who sexualize LGTBQ as something for pleasure, and deviation.
These kind of actions are what also helped conservative and other anti LGTBQ extremists move their platform of hatred, and the further silence from the LGTBQ community on Grimes’ actions, including Chelsea Manning aiding on narrative building by Grimes, really created an opportunity to further an anti LGTBQ and women rights agenda, that continues to grow, further aided by the silence and pretexts around these horrific acts by Amber Heard and Grimes, financed, endorsed and supported by the aforementioned.
Knowledge and truth are keys to solving social issues, and advancing. Lack of understanding is cemented in lack of knowledge, and deception adds to emotional injuries which in it add distrust, and difficulty to acceptance and understanding; knowledge becomes obscured.
I believe that women are significantly misrepresented and dishonored in society, also. Yes, I believe men too have issues caused by social constructs, such as is the hypersexualization of everything, and the programing that degrading women is the ultimate trait of being “men”. However, the ostracization of women has been a d continues to be significant in the modern world.
To pretend that women are the causation of failure in any sense from/ of men who have no self respect, self awareness is needless to say pathetic; as much as the promotion of “womanhood” as a sexual quest and that being the “pinnacle” of femininity. It becomes evidential both are what feed the error of the other.
To admire, like, be attracted differs from degradation, expectation, and no filter of thought, feeling, behaviour. A mind programmed to see itself as superior when sexually degrading, and blame when unable to, becomes accustomed to the beliefs it holds.
As much as men are not wallets, and in modern society women where they are allowed not only do on their own, but are expected to work and carry their “weight”, simultaneously are “expected” to present themselves in a certain way to be attractive and socially accepted, the fair trade is that the same is of men, and both in limiting societies and more open, it still isn’t.
In subjugating societies, women are treated as less, and often abused, limited in their rights, while the burden and toil of their work is the majority of what has and continues to allow societies to thrive, at least in the case of those invested actively in some form in their homes, and vicinities, countries. Yet, from treatment, to access, to freedoms, women are not fairly treated.
It is so corrosive, that even in western and or less subjugating societies instead of their suffering being noted by men as wrong, they are often listed as examples of idealizations of how females in their society should be, when they cannot be forced or abused easily. You’d think these men are forced to a life of abuse and enslavement of women, the way they talk, simply because the women around them have rights, and they cannot force themselves on who they feel entitled to.
Part of the Basilisk Joke here is exactly that. That these men like Musk and Iger are forcing who watches me, how I live, all these people watch me in my home, use the bathroom, sleep, dress, etc., the I control you/ own you forced torture harm of my life and my son’s. That the government, police, plus several others continue to act oblivious to these facts, while literally mentioning names outside situations, denying proper procedures and laughing while mocking, while I cannot find proper justice and addressing, should alarm the world, yet those full of envy, take pleasure in the causation of suffering for no reason, deserved even less, ironically blind to the facts, and how in time these harm them.
To summarize, there are horrific women who use people, take advantage of systems attempted to be set up to help those in abusive situations and so on. There are men who have struggled through abusive relationships, also. There are horrible men who love to pretend they are the victims also, and whom subjugate women, to a point the views of oppressed women in other places are idealistic on how all of society should be. Women rights are about the continuous harmful views, laws passed in society, and women who still are very much oppressed in the world. Not about glorifying self destruction, self degradation as feminity, nor about denying wrong doing of women, nor about validating pathetic, worthless men whom think of women as tools for their benefit.
It is appalling that women like these involved in this horror story have tried to play the feminist card, financed of course, not only of lying about their lives and struggles, even relationships, but of pretending to be some feminist act dating these men, in the name of “get the 1%” BS, mock on social disparities.
Outside the LGTBQ and women, I got less attacked on others, these being flags attempted to be used for gain by these people previously on their curated image careers.
I believe in rights for people of all skin shades/ nationalities/ faiths the same, as much as I believe oppression and classification of people based on the same being wrong; I also believe that grouping in any way to harm is wrong, and it is not the equivalent of defense against wrong doing, but the multiplication of problematic scenarios which further divide and harm societies, and stop the advancement of civilizations.
I also believe that people have a right to love whoever they want to, and in multiracial/ nationality different relationships.
Simultaneously I am extremely grossed out and disgusted by the pretext an ex who raped me, abused me and whom my son also finds detestable has anything of bearance over my life or my son’s, when you also add to it the fact they’ve been a deadbeat adds to it being part of the horrific acts by envious people.
To each their own and all the happiness, as much as I reserve my right to be and choose for my own life, and damn to the worst those who feel and want to impose otherwise.
The words I’ve said are meaningless in harm as they are with reason and explanations, besides being done to prove a point, that is beyond, proven. The attempts to pretend I am anything less of the same person of respect and value I always was, the enforcement of alphabetical idiocy, the denial of wrong, and so on, all come together easily for those who are biased, let alone to those who are not.
The companies, investors, etc nonsense of short long, left right, pro not, etc are also factors that go without saying, self explanatory in nature of corruption and abuse, claims, and forced narratives is what makes those, without even having to give much thought or thinking of hows.
I also repel and denounce also the usage of my name permanently by the conservative party and extremists groups like Qanon; for those that do not know, my son’s attempted murder during delivery, tearing of his left arm and simultaneous denial of his rights and proper medical address of these acts are all tied to rituals of gain and luck by the conservative party in Canada and the United States, fact.
The continuation to attempt to harm me psychologically given the lack of ability to further harm as I take my go to hell stances, says enough of the only thing these people can expect from me, the same in many folds of enacted over my life and my son’s in higher form, the costs manifested where no human hand, rituals are, but that thing they ironically love to scream they represent, while commiting heinous abusive acts to people who will always be far better than anything they’ll ever be.
I detest you and vomit your names out of my life and my mouth, and they shall remain erased from the book of life for all of eternity. You are appalling, nothing short of nazis and worse. Fascists, abusers and entitled scum of the world, what has caused the decline of society and what has humanity at the brink of extinction.
These slides summarize & show well the significance of data abuses, and the involvement. They are from earlier today.
Birthday perks? Nah, but I definitely enjoy reminding everyone what’s what, and what’s not. ABCD123 illness.
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