PS: be mindful of gaps as you look, it means someone/ something are likely preventing images from displaying properly, all you have to do is right click and open image on new tab. I will be numbering all of them in all articles, adding videos & linked folders to download.

Tesla Deaths

07.18.2023 09:42 Toronto, ON Canada

My birthday is August 2, by the way.



07.15.2023 10:44 Toronto, ON Canada

*Before anyone is offended without reading. The people who sat in the private meeting of Azealia Banks, Grimes, Elon Musk are all in it together, and were only seeking to be big retard, that’s all. The prise? My life, my art plus. And recognition as mega abusers orchestrating this scum shit, but also claim magical powers. Remember the “c-cicada” on my birthday same year 2018 just before 420 funding secure tweet, and meeting just before lawsuit? If you know the other details, it’s beyond obvious it’s also about claiming I am controlled by their fake magic. Azealia Banks is a well know witch that practices blood ritual sacrifices, Voodoo and more. Her own open statements, videos, etc. Musk and Grimes saught her out, etc.

I don’t care about anyone’s devoid opinions of only wanting curated evidence for their benefit, go fk yourself to death in your tantric voodoo retard stuff. That’s all.***


I do not know if I will have a separate or at all cover anything beyond my situation, but something I have mentioned plenty on is “Tesla Deaths”, and have even placed the dots together of the “Rococo Basilisk” behind these.

If you add the timeline of them skyrocketing at the same time Musk and Grimes are dating, it really adds to the evidence, along many other factors.

If I do dedicate any of my time to cover these, it will be on a dedicated page of its own (I’ll add the link at top of article here if I do), so it can also be properly organized and documented, rather than an add on thread, as I’ve done under this page “Blog” on “Adonaiorion”.

Honestly, it all depends on acknowledgement of my name to face, needless to say the severity of the abuses I am enduring are exasperated by the lack of proper true support and acknowledgement, and it’s very wrong. Besides, it all often brings it back to being mocked, assaulted online and in real life in all kinds of ways, my son as well. This is not limited to law, finances, access even to basic necessities, food shopping, physical extremely harmful asssults, with police literally ignoring, mocking, laughing, etc.

Name to face proper acknowledgement, plus actual support around what I do, is something that definitely would aid me in applacating these things. Not that I need any of it, I’ve dealt on my own, but this is about you the public, and I should be beyond paid, acknowledged, and respected for my knowledge and the time put to expose evil in morons with a lot of things they do not deserve, or even earned properly. My having to say these things is also why I feel the way I feel about everything and everyone.

The harassment from stopping Nuclear World War, that also got the destruction of my life further, complete theft of my face (literally), sexual degradation, dehumanization, denigration, humiliation, people forcing back the memories of being tortured abused and rape in captivity of a bisexual pedophile nazi, and even these people going on the details of it to mock that they watch videos I was unaware existed of years of harm in captivity, names, art, words, etc, and further harm, not even a peep out of anyone, and the entire planet, including those who planned and wanted it benefitted, and you instead hailed the horrendous in and out, disgusting, pedophilic, envious, thieve, racist, Nazi scum hired to harm me in my place, and to this day, almost six years since, still continue to, along denying me even basic average human who does nothing even for themselves, basic fucking rights. The theft of my data is no a question or out there or unreasonable and beyond proven. My fucks truly have ran, don’t wonder why, it’s on your face.

Further evidence of how horrible this is. Absolutely no devices or internet in our living room. I typed this article 3 days ago, and last night (7.17.2023) I told my son of he wanted to see how long my hair has grown. It is something no one knows as it’s always hidden. See below the comment left on my website this morning, and see it is Grimes’, Heard, Musk, Iger and affiliates.


Read my notes, I’ve never been more serious in my life, and I’ve never been a joker.

Anywho, here is what I had intended as a message to the runners of the sites that document these accidents, but since twitter blocked DMs (I sent a message around, and noticed lots of people became aware not long after, of Twitter having done this quietly to pretty much anyone, to only allow Twitter blue users), and they truly do not have a place for people to leave/ add long comments or provide evidence of anything, I thought I’d do a post. I was already planning to post part of the message anyways, since it shows a lot of the horrors these people commit in the name of “joke”, that really is power trips, and delusions of what can be gained out of pooling horrific emotional pain energy, etc, no exaggeration, no joke, as unfortunate and disturbing as it sounds.


What I had typed:

Here’s the message I was trying to send to user(s) of account “ICapulet” (twitter), lots of Tesla harm evidence under their posts, unsure of what’s the deal with their twitter banner with Grimes, while having that username; my guess is mock or what I mentioned before, people playing games.

I do not know, and both are there as guess because no proper mention of Grimes plagiarism, horrors, lies, doxxing, theft, scams, etc is ever done by anyone, in spite of the doxxing facts in legal documents of her and Musk using pseudos like “WaterOfLies420” and “DethStayer”, posted by known whistleblowers. That’s besides the open admittance by both of torturing me and stealing my life as “Rococo Basilisk Joke”.

With those out in the open, and the evidence I’ve gone out my way to prove and provide that Grimes nor anyone on their circle is “magical”/ “god/ devil favoured”, but under Musk’s “protege” program of building scum, really does say a lot, and it isn’t something I respect at all.

“I am glancing over some of the recent accidents, I won’t make posst because I have a lot on my plate, life, mind and it’s very very time consuming, and adds to being harassed further and no recognition, no acknowledgement, no reward is quite the horrific toil.

Anyways, I don’t mind sending bits I come across to anyone who has displayed proper acknowledgement of these things being beyond the ordinary. Not in the methods of how I have posted so people pluck and claim for their gain, that’s for certain.

No privacy in my life means, the methods do not matter, at least until I can find a phone company and device that is desperate loser proof. Public open, is best, as it removes their advantage of them only seeing things through abuse.

Anyways, with the explanations aside, I’ll be messaging you of any noteworthy things I see that show the “alignments” by human elements, and the past “coincidence” aspects, at least in my perspective. If it is useful to TSLAQ or any authorities that look at that, there.”

— Obviously, my message has evolved since I typed it. —


Car accident by school parking lot, with multiple fatalities and severe injury.

From “Tesla Fires” site links:

Number 204 on the list which has the ambiguous writing of “420”. On July 8th 2023.

There’s very little data to honestly tie more likely points around, but there was enough to notice questionable non casual aspects.

The fact that one passenger on the front was found outside the car, really stood out to me, considering all others weren’t, and it’s very unusual in such a situation, I’ve known about a lot of accidents, in cars besides Tesla, and in my non professional but knowledgeable opinion, highly unusual.

It was not difficult for me to tie it to other aspects, since they are some of the most recent things I have added to my sites, and besides other things.

The music video by the famous group “BSB” “Backstreet Boys” titled “The Call”, I featured on the page “Blog” from site “Adonaiorion”, under a post titled: “Gangstalking”.

If you look at the video, right exactly at 240 a scene with two specific members begins, and ends exactly as someone opens the driver side and rolls out just when they are about to crash horribly against a wall, and it was done in purpose as an attempted murder of the unaware passenger. Besides the link on my site: ” GANGSTALKING”

If you scroll, you’ll note that I added the video as reference a month ago, there’s my story that is more personal about “BSB”, and specifically Nick who is featured in this particular scene.

Lots of details including how our lives, names, numerology align which honestly I only discovered because of these stalking issues.

I used to be a big fan of their music in my teen years, never stalking kind, but really into their things and trying to keep up with their work, truly one of if not the most I’ve admired, supported and liked all my life.

I used Nick’s name as a password waay back for a long time, and these people have data banks which details even the passwords you use. I have not used it for several years, yet I saw they know due to many aspects. Anyways, like o said more personal things, but more or less is all back to the same, “twin souls” “love”, and forcing alignments while causing emotional, physical, mental, spiritual harm in whichever ways they can think of.

I think these aspects alone show discrepancies. Accidents happen, but like I said before, non are like Tesla.

If you look closer, Nick’s personal life aspects are tied to, like mine, and that’s my point of pointing so many details of mine. The fox stuff and “Belial” are also there; as I’ve pointed, Grimes “Zora” (“Zorra” is female fox in spanish) nonsense is a reference to trying to call me Satan/ the devil because of my fox stuff and other art, while trying to paint herself as something she is not, magical, and my counterpart; pretending she’s Jesus and or Belial of I’m not proclaiming myself as either, which I’ve never done, but they enforced the I’m Jesus sacrificed, and she’s Satan antichrist, now Jesus, get it; narrative: “cyborg whore date”.

When you see my notes on Lucifer and the truth about the claims, plus tie it to Musk’s Vatican and all the other messed up actions by those around since 2018, trying to paint themselves as things they aren’t, hiding the ugliness, it becomes uncomfortably obvious; the discomfort with the facts, do not change what they are.

“Rococo Basilisk Joke” “date”, “Anthropocene” plus much more are on your face, directly from the scum’s mouth. Beliefs or not, actions are, joke or not, the facts are too.

Here’s the link to the backstreet boys song video “the call” https://yo

I almost forgot to add, in the Vogue China for Grimes August 2022, they featured plenty of plagiarism. One is about “message from the devine”, which has a song titled: “Call Of Angels” by Sky Mobs (remember the BS of claims of Musk and Sky Ferrera and people trying to pretend it’s about Grimes?), and Musk and Iger also referred to them with the stomp trupers meme August 2021, where Robert Iger said to Musk: “Good One Elon!”, If you see my tweets and site, I pointed the details of plagiarism, and mockery, which also show the song, and simultaneously you can see how grimes china Vogue cover August 2022 is also there, 3 year alignments 2021, 2022, 2023; of course others, but to stay focused, these here all tie.

To save you time and scroll limits on Twitter, I went looking for one of the many tweets I’ve talked about it, unless I missed something, this was the last one, or most recent.

Take note to two aspects, my Tweets not far from this one after, which includes a school bus, earthquake and sinkhole, February this year with Toronto on it.

Bonus, see my posts on 2023 and the Bermuda Antigua earthquake near Florida, where backstreet boys member Nick is from, my stuff done before it happened, why my recent tweets mentioned it; they are trying to take credit, and then you can see why. The murders.

Imagine giving them credit for summoning hell, obviously not their power not on their control of, if it was, and denying murder rituals trash, or the aftermath of an alter world of power being provoked by unlikable scum, with such horrific actions.

Again, I am not saying is or isn’t, but the silence over my life is tied to pretending Amber Heard is magical, and as extension Grimes, Musk, Iger, etc., while simultaneously trying to claim I am evil that has to be treated this way or else, based off of? Literally only the opinions of those who have abused me all my life in all kinds of horrific ways, including having themselves videos of sexual abuse of my childhood of years, and creating a “mock and assault the scapee club” since. Jeffrey Epstein entourage. I am unlike any other, not bought, and able to prove, besides no wrong, crimes, or even degradation they can place over me, to pretend that means it doesn’t matter, and I’ve proven their rotteness irrefutably. The nerve.

Tweet: https://twit (look at 3rd image)

I barely twitted since Musk took over, only being extra around April this year 2023, also notice that; my son and I were on their murder asssults rituals schedule extra, since I had health issues, and weak scum like them seek such situations thinking it makes them look superior, and Iger was pretending the “Colombian Cocaine Comets” alignments on my things are his penis with Amber Grimes vaginas, tantric magic (sex magic rituals), no joke and yes they are stupid and an embarrassment to any faith/ lack of, and being a human at all.

Keep in mind I mentioned AVICII stuff because of how much of my life is tied to their nonsense there.

My poem titled “222” is part of it all, done in purpose since year “2022” was what they had in mind in their plans in 2018 when “Rococo Basilisk Joke” and “420 funding secure”.

You’ll notice this last post of my exposure of Iger Musk Grimes was posted in November which adds to 11/2 and the other numbers are literally 2s, besides the 0s.

Remember Musk’s synergy “11” tweet also with “711”, and to these actions, whatever you know happened on this month on the 11th, are likely further clues of the facts I am pointing at.



The thing he was also testing is literally if his tweets aligning numbers cause luck/ or whatever nonsense they think it’s because of how I eat, scratch my ass, fart or blink if you catch my drift of how obsessive and moronic everyone across this is. Those who do not believe in the “magic” are pretending to be giving the secrets of the universe to the ultra mega retarded who worship trash humans based off of the things they wear or where they are talked about/ seen, without bothering to even understand the hows of. Same people who say things like “I’m not reading all of that”, as if somehow knowledge just happened by the summary of anything in less or equal to a pathetic tweet. I posted and have shared a lot of evidence that proves these are actions to research magic control of reality nonsense, literally their translation of my life and my philosophy, not mine obviously, I am not a dumb looser with delusions of claims, thinking lies, mockery and harm cause me any benefit, only idiots believe in such rotting garbage, and rely on horrible acts to try and pass it as fact.

POEM 222 I posted originally in 2014 to what is now “Adonaiorion” then “OrionQ”. It was posted with art of my ninja girl sketch. See how it has a star of David as earrings? Matters in their pretexts of alignments which I could detail and take forever, including e letter Pythagorean theorem lifepaths, etc. Also you’ll notice my art is from 4.20 2014 (420), and it’s called “Alien Bass Ninja”, a theme of music, art, philosophy, photography, poetry I did as my original self, to obviously represent who I am and have been all along, myself.

All ripped off by them and their paid scum as you can see.

Grimes was never an electronic music artist until the targeting began which predates Musk and her,  even when she did, it was cheap and not truly on the line of authentic, artist, or musician, and why Muk keeps pretending he’s my love and hero, since I proved how far they all have been harassing me, even prior to 2018, or “David” late 2017, after my car accident, forcing matching letters numbers nonsense.

I shopped a lot at H&M way before buying my car, and the car was also a set up purposely, they knew I had been looking specifically for that kind for years, etc. H&M used to donate their non sales to non profits instead of dumping them on fields like rotting scum monopolies do, a d affordable to a person as low income as myself, that’s why. The car is known to be a machine of time lasting way beyond all others, and a replacement for a trailer for those that can’t afford one, and I am only explaining to humiliate every motherfucker harassing my life on everything, including forcing alignments, forcing food, denying me and my son basic living aspects, etc.

Musk, Grimes and affiliates unveiled their awareness and mockery ironically during their “why they are dating – Rococo Basilisk Joke” interview.

Iger and Musk’s strong relationship since 2014, adds to the facts. Grimes’ “indi” nonsense status and completely different style prior to plagiarizing both 2015 & since 2018, plus people cancelling her in 2015 over plagiarism, all add to the facts also.

“April Fool’s” 2018 subtweeting by Musk and Grimes (subtweeting me) with “Bankwopt” and wearing “Elon U”, and her posting under my stuff with her circle of friends “Grime U”, should be noted as it shows on “420” and the cryptic and ambiguous mentions of it in things related to them, like all these deaths and accidents.

“Twitter” “Twitt” “er” – looks like a sum of “1”, name intial T person is targeted, and it doesn’t limit at sum of birthday also known as “lifepath “, but all kinds of variations of. Bankman Fried stuff really shows this further. It’s a ritual, is also irrefutable at this point.

Here’s the school bus tweet which isn’t far from the November 2022 one:


Again, they are not magical, I am not trying to add conspiracies, or argue faiths, or distract, or exasperate, merely prove mental illness that ties to extremists beliefs, in an otherwise extremely unknown occultism and craft “rococo” by drug addicts with severe mental illness, greed, and will do anything for money, fame, power. Don’t forget, this has killed literally millions and millions of people, and injured irreparably and without acknowledgement and or justice millions more, and threatens millions more, in the brief time since the start of “Rococo Basilisk Joke” by Grimes and Elon Musk; this isn’t conspiracy, and I am not talking about random things you might feel are ambiguous, but match to words, to acts facts.

The evidence of being their practices and their involvement isn’t a secret either; both Grimes and Musk have made plenty of occultist references openly and directly from their mouths in the timeline of all these things.

Besides, if “Rococo Basilisk Joke” is formed out of my life, which I have more than proven, they have more than admitted, and many people, including in TSLAQ have known/ noticed even if not in the details I have to see, at least overall, way before I saw their stuff of became aware of such a dumb thing existing; they weren’t controlling me, I wasn’t afraid, obviously I was unaware of such pathetic dumb crap, because I am not obsessed, and I definitely wasn’t looking them up in the slightest. See why they exasperated physical and real life asssults, to force it.

That alone proves these things are involved.

My life indirectly has been swarmed with people abusing, doing rituals, etc. And, I have studied on my own many aspects, and have the books I’ve referenced, and that’s also how I know it is in their things; why I bothered to do a public art with names etc and prove they were copying and would do all kinds of things, years since I set it, here is the overwhelming evidence, as I’ve posted about.

Grimes has literally plagiarized and refered to all of it, and I knew that since I actually do have supernatural aspects align in my life, it’d entice them further to openly enact these things, and try to pretend it’s a fight between who is what nonsense. It’s more than on full display as you can see.

Also obvious to anyone who isn’t biased, that I am not a game, liar, or trickster, and that what happens out of human acts are not demonic or like summonings, lol, no offense to whoever practices or believes, but I haven’t heard of anything or anyone of those actually being anything, and given these people are a cult, it is likely why they want to pretend who and what I am is whatever suits their personal, social and or financial interests, that’s it.

All of their acts are tied deeply to being proven human acts, and or lying about facts.

When you see the string of what I’ve pointed here, and what has happened, it is then also obvious why I openly talk about it with as much face to name, detail, irrefutable evidence I possibly can.

They are scheduling humanity as an entire species for annihilation; they will not be shapeshifting into good looking, talented anything, they aren’t it, and there won’t be no 2K years of supreme world rule. Read about the Apocalypse/ Christian Revelations and understand why I am making this statement.

See them at the Vatican, and see how much it has gone from already wasn’t a joke to mentally ill twat who thinks is more than their already human pathetic form; truthfully “cocaine makes you do/ believe anything” mindset and acts; extremely dangerous to civilization and society as you can already see, even outside the “unknown”.

Tweet about “message from the divine”: https://tw it

It’s also an art post on Instagram:


It’s specifically from my Instagram TV, not just an Instagram video. Why I pointed it out? Robert Allen Iger.

You might know or not since I don’t know if I’ve posted about it or through the wire, but in the privacy of my home, I ran a whole other level of treatment to those watching abusing my life.

The worst of humanity are behind these actions, and they are also remorseless, and love to fake otherwise. I have no time, nor mind, heart, or damns to give to such rotting stupidity. That’s besides the fact I approached and have loved a life of near perfection when it comes to my actions. That, along the respect, patience, true knowledge and talks of years I’ve done, only served to make these people and every rotting human scum feel I am weak, and they can torture and abuse me; you nor anyone will ever stand last in such pursuit, that’s beyond certain.

My language, my actions, and my openness are my person, as I am not exaggerating or pretending ever of what I see outwards, nor who and what I am inwards. Damn straight I reserve my right to speak and stand in a way I am heard for that. You don’t like it? Want to level for once in your scum coward abusing my life, life? Never, of course. This is me displaying who’s what, and where, you don’t like it because it shows you as beneath my feet, and that’s not something you expected while abusing me; that was the point of it all, and the length of time I’ve been beyond “patient” awaiting. You took it as injure her hospital patient crap, well.

Robert Iger is a mega retarded moron, and nothing of respect in my honest to the facts opinion; hailing a horrible worthless woman like Amber Laura Heard as more, and trying to hide the Nazi and rotting personality simply because “T.iger” Chinese zodiac, other alignments with other abuses and abusers, says plenty of what collapsing civilization looks like. Great and perfect pick as Nazi “goodness” though, nailed it scum! Like I’ve said in the privacy of my home, you have an eye for these things in the most ironic of ways. Picking a nasty, ugly in and out, stupid, self absorbed, envious, talentless scum like Grimes to literally represent you is essentially what really made you number one for picking someone outside yourself that embodies the rotteness you are yourself, congrats! I couldn’t find ever anyone to be as close a representative of who and what I am, as you have, obviously.

Back on topic, Iger has enjoyed a lifetime with a curated image like he himself attempted and continues to attempt for Musk; Iger with the benefits of being older, no same tech and communication advantages, and why they feel monopoly expansion is the answer to the losers at top staying there, besides crimes unchecked of all means.

Anyways, you’ll also note the BS of Iger being paraded in Media in late 2022, about “The future is watching TV”, because of the “Disney plus” success, in a planned pandemic and enforcing social and civilization aspects from the same circle who benefited from these.

Musk Iger pretend fights are due to the evidence; prior to evidence, “friends forever” public acts. He’s behind David with Musk – in case you didn’t know, the begining of approaching me in real life with the intend to steal literally my name legal on a site, and also artistic, along my entire library.

They thought I’d be bamboozled with the words, the offers, and since I wasn’t, this is when they got worse than they were, and after my peace message, which proved I am no one’s thing/ doll/ scort/ whore/ property, they did attempt Grimes stuff first with Amber Heard, since I didn’t crash like they hoped, they did the Grimes things, and since that didn’t work, furthered assaults, until the lies stook around, horrible acts exasperated since I wasn’t emotionally mentally frazzled, etc.

If I steal your money, physically assault you, deny you medicine and assault you there, stalk you, take everything I can place everything I can, is it not going to disrupt your life and anger/ injure you? Is it magic? or logically, morbid ignorance and rotting malformed mentality? That’s their “magic” in a nutshell, no joke.

Schwarzman, Iger, Trump, Putin, Jinping, Musk, etc all have something in common, besides the buckets they share, and it’s not only their aging, but their status being earned a certain way, and their worthlessness in the places they sit; it’s not a coincidence they are all involved in “Rococo Basilisk Joke” and “420 funding secure”.

Procuring equally worthless “younger” individuals in their “rooster” adds to the cover up, but also the thinking of no one can point our age, and even gender/ race, besides, the worthless hires are often drug addicts and like minded, so they would do anything to get what they see as “secured”.

Again they are not bright or authentic, nor self thinkers, otherwise they’d see there is no promise of anything but a baggie, to use them for as long as necessary before discarding. They wouldn’t place anyone with a brain and let alone a true soul and emotions, values there, that’d be their end, obviously.

Prince Bin Salman isn’t a bright bulb, in display since deciding to join these things, and has spent a lot of time being “a prince”. While he isn’t old or a procured individual through a baggie, his “baggie” is still there, and you can see through Epstein relationship, and the promise of “recognition” by inflated made-up images, often pompous for these same reasons. If they had bothered to look at society, they’d know these people are worthless drug addicts, merely taking in from the opportunity of rich oil tycoon status he has had.

Data abuse is not something with a future, period. It is like eating everything, and consuming until it rains out, and it doesn’t regenerate, but far faaaaar worse. Don’t need to take my word, merely look at the facts materialized, far more than the delusions of fictional superficial digital lives, claims, status, and even numbers. A meteor taking out the digital world is nothing shy of, and there goes all of you as species and as civilization. A screw loose from all those crashing starlinks, pee frozen from a leak on a station, etc. Frail power requires huge responsibility, and none absolutely none of the people at top have what it takes. Take it from the only mind everyone steals from to build their image.

Add, the measuring to be king in a place full of princes who are also qualified to be King if Salman isn’t “suitable”. Then you see the picture of all these things further, including Jinping red carpet last year, and tying it to Grimes Vogue China August 2022, art etc, “420 funding secure”, etc it’s there.

You can also see Musk, Iger affiliates trying to paint stories with indirects given my evidence, including pretending Musk is in love with me and all these assaults over my life is Musk trying to protect me, like I said the nerve.

Looking at keyword “divine” in my posts, you’ll find a Pandora of these years actions and horrors.

Here’s the tweet prior to art post with song “call of angels” with caption “message of the divine”, it is titled: “Divine Flame” and it features the Orion nebula, which adds to the evidence of the facts.

I had a “bird” website before Musk bought twitter, see my site for ““, it’s a bird site, art and all. All of it predates significantly all these actions (2012-2016 art and material used to build)

Tweet: https://tw

Besides these, the details of my 2023 music list on YouTube of this page “Adonaiorion” add to the puzzle. Again to be kept on mind, they are not magical, they are not successful in whatever out there “practices”, but in my honest, and well less welcomed information and knowledge, it does not go unnoticed, and it isn’t equal to here’s whatever you want, but punishment, and humanity are treated as a singular species, after all, we do not live in a free world; I cannot go deal at whichever means I find successful with the horrors of my life, not only that, the “law” enforced is endorsing, enacting, enabling the wrongs, what do you think that comes out to? Collective choice, and collective punishment as a result.

Again, people don’t want to hear it, but it is what it is. Keep in mind it’s coming from the most unbiased, disbeliever I ever met, myself.

I don’t follow any faith, religion, etc and I am also a huge skeptic even in the “supernatural” I might experience, even on myself, and it is only through rigorous thinking and observation, I have shared anything of those things; I am not here as a trickster by as myself; why the worthless plagiarize, harm, try to subdue/ silence, and play letters, numbers, symbols, etc claims games.

Why these people with mind control, emotional spiritual control aspirations over humanity also hate me, I am smart, they are not, I speak only the truth, they do not.

My YouTube list:


The “Malibu’s Most Wanted” is the last video I added before the Florida “Antigua and Bermuda” huge earthquake.

I added just before earthquake, the volcano in Iceland stuff, and hadn’t added much to my list for a while prior to that.

I didn’t write anything publicly or privately, nor talked to anyone online, and even in person, the only person I talk to my son, I didn’t discuss any of what I posted after the volcano news, and before the Antigua earthquake.

You’ll see Backstreet Boys, etc. Add what I mentioned on one of my last tweets: https://tw see who are all involved, see the mental illness.

Even before earthquake, I had to complain to YT (YouTube) and I am getting “TITS U” members replies from support, ignoring that I am pointing someone from their end is editing my lists, even emails are being wiped off of my Gmail.

I have a paid Google one membership, specifically signed for Google drive, same thing Twitter, and I cancelled it sometime last year, and it’s still active until October? Or somewhere around those dates which is when I signed for it, it’s a yearly data package.

It was much after that that Musk did the Google no pay crap.

Add, same as Sergey wife cheat claims, was after I pointed it was directly from Google my lists are edited, and they were trying to frame TSLAQ behind the power outage and shooter that happened end of 2021.

Why again I even post about that. What’s the story honestly between Brin, his ex wife, Musk? No idea and doesn’t matter to me.

The facts are, and their hate love is meaningless in the situation of my life and the evidence of the facts.

They merely try to push these things to distract, and also to try and affiliate emotional vendetta as this is why this or that when all of that is very much debunked by their own words, acts, and a proper observation of actions in time. “Why Elon Musk And Grimes Are Dating” is essentially their own words admitting to doxxing, harassing, stalking, abusing my life in every aspect possible. Musk being super friends with Sergey Brin prior to, really adds to evidence of having access, plus.

When I messaged Google over the email tampering, I am glad I decided to copy a police officer that didn’t reply, not to mention the same police department attacked and mocked my son and I last year July 1 2022 and laughed while literally mentioning Musk, but I know is a police email, and it was just before the shooter murder that happened at Tesla Fremont factory, and just before it did they edited my music lists, one musk is obsessed I deleted which was titled “APO” I did before he launched a rocket which was utter fail, and again the pretext to claim it’s “magic” rather than logically think, motherfucker isn’t smart in basic human crap, let alone a scientists, let alone a rocket engineer.

How many trash cans have blow prior and after? There’s basic logic. They also deleted my three day long writing poem story about an old man being mocked by personality like theirs. I used to use app “EVERNOTE” (notice the initials and the numerology aspects they often match as well) to writing stuff.

Their community notes crap adds to facts, and Iger pretending he’s some “Satan”/ “Devil”, and pretending my stuff is why Musk’s rocket fails, show all the stupidity, the “out there claims” involving and abusing their involvement with the Pentagon, CIA, DEA (LOL! BTW), etc, the messed up acts, the lies, and what is and isn’t.

If anything else on this particular accident, I’ll mention it. I am still debating whether to assign a dedicated page to these, or not bother. I don’t have any proper recognition name to face and I refuse to help anything or anyone until I do so. I get abused by plenty of TSLAQ in behalf of Grimes, pretending my “channeling chibiusa” post from March 2018, which is Musk’s follows Grimes date AFTER my post, because Grimes posted a picture of Chibiusa and captioned it’s her, is beyond disgusting and enabling the further torture harm of my life. Talk about the entitled who feel it’s okay to further add to erasing me and pretending my life is a life of talking like a retard because it suits each of their benefits.

Respect is something that you give to those who are respectable. I am beyond reproach, and have been all my life, besides always having treated people authentically with respect, and not being double faced about any aspect of myself and or to others.

Even through through these trash attacks and harm.

I don’t deserve the treatment, denigration, and the TSLAQ members that love to claim “WE ARE HERE FOR THE WRONG OF” deception games, while references of me are non stop mockery, along the indirect and cryptic mentions of Heard, Grimes even Iger is placed as equal and above me, when I am nothing like all these people who are abusing me.

If dumb sluts matter more because the “cock” they sucked placed them there, all these pretexts by some TSLAQ and TSLA crap is obviously ROCOCO BASILISK JOKE, and the way things are, I am starting to see it as merely a means to brag about the horrific acts, while pretending to give a damn. Actions, acknowledgement, etc matter, and matter a lot, they are often what actually stops wrong doing permanently, not secrets, codes, deception, lies, covering facts, or even continuing in endless “vs” matching actions.

When I was on the TSLAQ popular channel on “Discord” as Musk bought Twitter end of 2022, I was being noted on my evidence as it’s obvious undeniable, and barely was glossing over the “more out there”, and keeping it as side by side comparisons on plagiarism, plus others actions which many of you including “I, Capulet” noticed. It wasn’t much after a load of people who became like if they owned the channel, even though I was invited by others, attacked me, and they became the channel controllers right after; Iger Grimes Heard promoters, calling me Chinese propaganda, etc, and pretending I am not a real person, and not even saying it to my face but literally attacking me every time I went to post with comments, and they deleted and blocked me when I refused some “Cassandra” crap, which was obvious to me Grimes, as I asked a basic question and got the most dumb elaborated answer to it, her thinking I bought it. Since I pretended not to know, and merely kept distance and acted normal, they pretended it’s some superiority and wicked me out, again I said or did absolutely nothing wrong at all. All of that truly adds to the facts; the account”I, Capulet” is someone I do not trust of I am honest; their interactions were of someone seeking my knowledge to pass it as their tool to defeat Musk, and I don’t like people who are fake and double faced, by a lot.

Their wording on discord on an interaction that got everyone’s attention on me is essentially, give me your knowledge so I can pretend I am that knowledge and a saviour of humanity against Musk. Huge red flag, and ironically used to be their cat avatar. “Someone from the inside” really said a lot next to, I won’t acknowledge anything about you and the horrors been done, particularly involving Grimes, Iger, Heard names. It was after this that the attacks got worse, and then the rest. To each their own, but no one has ever apologized ever for all the wrong and that list has only grown since from both sides pro and alleged “anti” Musk and affiliates.

Some more things to keep in mind about these specifics of groups/ companies/ govs/ people involved, the Discord situation was about Grimes Iger Heard passed as TSLAQ. Add, Rococo Basilisk Joke is the intend, irrefutably. “DAVID” and the box of shorts nonsense April 2018 by Musk on Twitter, which is a “David Basilisk” reference from the Simpsons with a crashed ship with “hot pants” (elastic shorts) and the lighthouse, matching it to Futurama’s Bender”Assy” episode, my art themes, solar eclipse, stolen blue shorts from my apartment that is on my eclipse photos, BLUE color, H&M brand, Orange black H. E. Brand model, etc really paint an ugly picture of everyone on both sides.

Since it isn’t something necessary people can see at first glance, I’ve talked about it, since I am not acknowledged even while literally everyone is using everything I’ve done, including how I am the only person that pointed at the alignments, numerology, etc, really says a lot, and none of it is pleasant.

I have always been pro betterment of people, civilization since a small kid, with true actions to match, and as I’ve said a pure persona along it, which is why I became a target, and simultaneously why all the pretexts and lies around who and what I am; too aware, and too clean for their situation, obviously. A huge ending to corruption, abuse of systems of access, military, policing, corporate access in non binding to full repercussions of misusage contracts, data, talent theft, etc. The answer to the shifting point of the sure secured ending of the entirety of humanity and all it represents, yet scrapped. You get what you hail openly, never ever forget, unless you are suicidal.

*To avoid a huge video or tweet thread loading, I added spaces on the links. Copy paste them on a separate tab is best, and you decide if you need to open it, or you already remember/ have seen the data pointed. This “Blog” page is not all of “Adonaiorion”, and was one of my projects for this spring/ summer to try and “summarize” all found on my own, matching side by side ignorance, usurpation, plagiarism, theft, harm, along the details of the damaging aspects that have afflicted and affected horribly my life, my son’s and other people around, for absolutely no other reason than Rotting scumbag worthless awful individuals who think are “bored geniuses”. Ha.

07.17.2023 11:23 Toronto, ON Canada






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