PS: be mindful of gaps as you look, it means someone/ something are likely preventing images from displaying properly, all you have to do is right click and open image on new tab. I will be numbering all of them in all articles, adding videos & linked folders to download.

Rococo Basilisk Date


Delusional whore, envious of my life, you are not my shadow.


07.18.2023 09:42 Toronto, ON Canada

My birthday is August 2, by the way.


Over or over. Pick.

I am not pro interrupting this post, but this should really sit at top. More refining of the already shared evidence. Nazis beyond denial. Do not forget Grimes’ post as Hitler was used to debut her in Columbia Records, further promoted by SONY. When you connect the dots of my past, Colombian, abused by a Colombian white supremacist sympathizer, Nazi bisexual, through incest rape torture sodomy pedophilia, slave labour plus, the amber heard San Antonio his name g German, etc. It’s not only appalling and disturbing, but beyond denial.




Swatzika Whore.

07.16.2023 15:03❦


I’ve covered a lot of Rococo’s Basilisk Joke, Rococo, David’s Basilisk, and Roko’s Basilisk, including other aspects around the people involved in these things affecting my life.

I think I should have a more personalized and summarized cover of this particular part, because it is all about me after all.

Why Elon Musk and Grimes are dating; their own words.


As you can read from their cryptic language, it’s been all there from the beginning on plain sight.

If you haven’t, look around “Adonaiorion” “Blog”, it’s the most magical place of the whole internet. Jokes aside, I’ve tried to do a large data dump style of posting about my findings. It is a raw sort of take on why “Adonai Orion” was born.

The post titled: “My Story” is one of the largest summaries matching side by side other aspects that sort of paint the picture of the details of actions and people involved in this world wide real life drama of elite and who gets picked on the database.

I am the star of their show, in case you hadn’t taken note. Why I can know and cover so much, most of these things are literally based off of my entire library of art, professional, and one of a data base unknown to me which covers as many aspects as they’ve gathered of who I am, and what I’ve lived.


I’ve posted a lot, these slides on this page summarize about the horrible things I’ve experienced.

I’ll be adding to it slowly.





Not pictured here, Grimes’ Musk’s copying my looks 2021, and included the “rossy cheeks” mock, her with pink hair, etc. Literally stealing my face, passing it as her, looking nothing like herself.

Plagiarism, harassment, theft, torture, harm are merely words, that truly do not display the horrible, and coward actions of Elon Reeve Musk, and his children’s mother Grimes / Claire Elise Boucher.

Do not forget they brag, but are hidding, and aren’t the ones on the ground; they also hire and make things in a way only cowards pretend they are more.

Groups against one person assaults in real life and digital, and so on; typical coward actions and statements.

They also create narratives, false situations to ensure if anyone is properly addressing their public open actions, and cryptic language, that not matter what, that they themselves are seen as if they are the victims of others instead.

Lots of examples, including legal cases to match, and whistleblowers.

Jack Sweeney who is/ was known as “Elon Jet” and other like accounts of aviation on Twitter, their story with Musk is plenty of evidence of these things, plus much more of the levels of things these people are capable of in “desperate times, and desperate measures” .


Note the attempts since I’ve unveiled these things slowly, to further shift the narrative to pretend Grimes is with Musk for me, or Musk is saving me, and vice versa with those playing “versus” openly and indirectly in these things. I am my own person, and no acknowledging is part of removing me and making the “preferred person” someone else, in this case whoever they want to hail as something they are not. Grimes, Musk, along Heard and Iger are four that keep doing it, but not limited. It is literally in the definition of why they are dating, and put in their own carefully curated words.

Overall, there’s a lot I’ve proven and covered, where no one is in doubt about this situation. Lack of proper acknowledgement, doesn’t deter the facts.

This post is focused on my story and only that. I’ve done the mixed page, and will eventually add more order to the topics.

I am very aware I am the only person in the world talking about Rococo Basilisk Joke and David’s Basilisk, along Roko’s Basilisk together in the manner I do, because no one else has ever being able to piece it, not even “club members” who only are aware of what directly involves them.

You’ll find people talking about Roko’s Basilisk, and specifically as posted why Elon Musk and Grimes are dating “Rococo Basilisk Joke”, but never in the format I do, and the evidence I’ve provided, besides being from someone who is targeted because of their power.

When you see the people who is placed as symbol of Basilisk, you understand the particular taste of those enacting these things; a mock of the most talented people authentically, as they identify.

Myself not being famous but being prolific in my life was identified from a young young age, and since, I’ve had to endure these kind of things, unaware of the details I’ve shared, nonetheless, beyond obvious as they are placed properly side by side.

Think 911 and the Simpsons, Trump president and the Simpsons, the old short stories about Baron Trump and what they say, Trump naming his last son Baron, etc. Miss Universe, Miss Colombia fiasco and Futurama, and so many more I don’t even know of.

Some noteworthy names I’ve observed in the library of Basilisk:

Simpsons, Futurama creator(s) and their works. They happen to have some of the smartest, funniest takes of comic satire on TV that has lasted for a long time.

South Park – same principals as the Simpsons.

Controversial to mention given their opening it to Musk, but if the show isn’t all plagiarism, the concepts of Rick and Morty are included. Do keep in mind the pedophilia and sex/ incest abuse that roots the inception of the show. I do not consider this show or creators at the same level of others, but it is a show that copies the concepts unique to shows like the Simpsons and South Park, which while alike, are in their own respective categories, and authenticity, even as they parody real life and art.

One take o am not okay with on the Simpsons, and that’s because it was an obvious attempt to hijack my life, is the Simpsons Orion episode and here’s is why.

Would I have minded to be featured myself, or even in the reference sense? No, ot is a show I’ve liked and also featured on my posts through the years. With proper acknowledgement, respect, what true admiration is, you acknowledge the person face to name and acts. You have no issues identifying anyone or anything featured or parody on these shows.

The feature of “ORION POET & ARTIST WITH CLOTHING LINE” using the voice of artist “The Weekend”, a fellow “The Six”/ Toronto artist, while Grimes is collaborating with him, and the circle around making Grimes also built a plagiarizing poet named it “Orion Carloto”, who made sure to mention Grimes, really shows it is a mock, besides no one being able to remotely identify who’s hurt in all these things truthfully and mostly, myself.

While I do not know about Avicii/ Tim Bergling, his intricate takes in his music do show that it is another reason why likely he also ended in these things somehow; I don’t know why there were so many cryptic ties to the works I’ve posted by him, and speculation serves no purpose but distracts from what matters on the facts, the harm, the person being harmed.

Other artists that are found on Basilisk include Mexican legend Chespirito, whom again was a comedy legend with so much knowledge, and an excellent library of art.

Mr. Jerry Seinfeld is yet another person who’s works are blended into the Basilisk.

And, myself of course. I have an extensive library of life works, and in like fashion of those aforementioned, intricate, detailed, and with many takes, layers to look at.

To each of us, we have our own thing going on, and it is exactly why we are placed in these things.

I cannot speak in behalf of anyone but myself, nor am I linked with, however as a person being targeted and used in the Basilisk, and a thinker, it’s not difficult for me to identify patterns, specially concerning my life.

I understand that some people are easily distracted, and that I should keep that in mind besides the length and intricacy of covering topics, the language. Swearing/ cursing truly means nothing to me, and I always have used non cursing language professionally and personally; I only began shifting some of my language on both areas multiple years into this harassment, and even then, the more “colorful” is literally of just months from this year, purposely done to drive my points further, nothing else. Given the distractive nature of average humans, I’ll be returning to my usual language, besides being more my actual persona. I will still be my person Ove become; I’m not apologizing for anything, I’ve done no wrongs prior or throughout, and I am always advancing morphing myself into new forms, this includes who and what I am, and what and how I say things.

Funny, and philosophical are signatures, no worries there!

Have a pleasant one everyone.

07.07.2023 14:19

Found some Rococo Basilisk Joke references of my stuff, and thought to share here, as it ties to this specific “why they are dating, the harassment of my life, and so on.

Simpsons Season 22, episode 13, 4.20 references, and TITS U tweets by Musk, quitting school aspects, etc. Add, buying twitter as follow up, plus.

Recently continuing this with bio changed to “nothing”, adding CRO Yacarino who is tied to NBC, the reference of watching and recording people against their will and selling it, etc.


Both, live watching devices, and watching people against their will and/ or awareness are facts, and both are referenced. Same season, episode 2 which shows poem 222 referenced, which I posted with my “4.20” “Bass Ninja” sketch 2014, seen in references made by them has Harvard drop out mentioned, TITS U stalker I posted about “Vanessa” with references of my things at home, Harvard, Valedictorian things 2022, etc. All there as well, Elon Musk’s 2018 “Elon U” and Grimes’ under my art “Grime U” mocks April fool’s 2018, while subtweeting my things, including “Energy Currency”, my art and so on, which show clearly the “cyborg” mocks plus, and the literal reference of why they are dating, what they are doing to me, and the proof of the matter of the fact, including the evidence of a bunch of people knowing and mocking in detail the private aspects of my life, while stealing all of it.


Simpsons Season 22, Episode 13. Which ties to Elon Musk buying Twitter and assigning new CEO. Add, the story of Eliza Bleu, and the human trafficking, child porn lies with Twitter, receiving an upsidedown star award, etc.

The pretext to paint Xi Jinping/ themselves as secretly saving the world from themselves – pretend enemies, all of them working on these horrors together; simultaneously in the more personally geared, trying to make me look lesser, as having a master/ saviour, myself the one and only who they’ve targeted, done this to and the one exposing it alone, etc. 

Part of the basilisk of pretending to be Lindsey Lohan in Mean Girls and prom, crown bs, vanta black crown, etc, while bringing it back to Simpsons, the line “we are so dead but will take down a bunch of innocent people with us.”


The twitter blue fail, and Mark Zuckerberg mentioned on episode, whom recently launched Threads, also Richard Branson in episode, and him recently making mention of Musk’s random visit to him last year to his house, and these being highlighted social aspects around Musk recently, with quitting school, and so on. The Branson part seen on my post before Musk Grimes article about why they are dating with “AI”  – Augmented Intelligence, and their Artificial Intelligence take, as in I am pretending to be this person – myself.

07.09.2023 00:09

Some supporting points I’ve posted before, from aforementioned.

The Eliza Bleu situation, something I posted about as I found out about it:


If you click on image, it will take to twitter post.

There are a lot of slides which show the disturbing points. I’ve numbered them so it’s easier to follow the thread below.










You can see all the pedophilia, sex abuse promos and mocks, given my horror past of sex abuse as a child and captivity, by a bisexual pedophile nazi sympathizer.

There’s also the legal evidence of using pseudonyms and stalking, doxxing, harassing, framing people to the point of seeking to cause them death, see the depositions posted online, some from Whistleblower Karl Hansen.

Add, hiring criminals, PIs (Private Investigators), plus, and not mentioning it as evidence, while also calling police, etc, and claiming those they are targeting are the ones assaulting them instead.

Read the full report of Martin Tripp and Musk’s lies, attempting to have Tripp potentially murdered by swatting and false shooter claims: “When Elon Musk Set Out To Destroy A Whistleblower“.

Legal documents, reports, body camera footage, news coverage all detail the horrible person Musk and affiliates like Grimes, and even stock holders are, working together on these things.

Proving it’s not a matter of principal, or protecting themselves, but coverups for lies and harm to benefit their stock.




Here is a slide from one of many I’ve shared, about being watched in my home, and them referring to these online. Setting up my personal life actions, as to claim they mean something else, and endorse their horrors as part of me. There was no way to know about my things packaged at home, unless, there’s a camera I have not installed, watching and recording, absolutely no other way to know.


There are other details I’ll add later.

Have a pleasant rest of the weekend.

07.09.2023 02:05


As I had said, no recognition public or legal equals this was done. I proved my situation and no I am not yielding to any god damned cursed worthless stupid individual, whoever, wherever they sit with what they think they’ve taken from me. That’s for certain. ◊


Only at the bottom of thought anyone believes a talentless worthless individual like these men and women touching themselves and or not are magical, let alone that control me in any way positive and or negative, where and or what I decide to do, or not, etc. Envy outpouring its worthlessness and desperation for what it acclaims as its “power”, which in itself is so pathetic, it really isn’t anything of true value, or anything left to say to people like that, regards of the quantity of, garbage is garbage, and this isn’t a look around see what you find, for the again desperate with nothing left than further drag to stupidity, I am not walking the same way, I have an alternative direction and I am mighty fine as I am; you already know that since all you’ve done is obsess and harm, thinking somehow you’d become, as if.


I am far more than anything or anyone has painted and treated me as, my own actions through my life big and small, young and as I grew, all speak for themselves; the theft, plagiarism, profiting, stunting strutting around, plus, not to mention the attacks, further suppression, silencing, all also speak of the magnificence that is all I am and have done, and how it is all my own efforts and investment, not the evil and ignorant whom love to claim themselves as more, all also being further proof of why I am in such an ugly situation, with no faults, all these proof and zero support.

August 2 is my known official birthday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance.

14:18 07.29.2023 Toronto, ON Canada







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