"Our Daily Bread" is a "catch all" - pages, posts, summaries, commentary, banters, etc., dedicated space. A non filtered guest section available.YouTube playlists 2024 will simply not obsess over uploading/ reuploading removed posts from others, the tracker list shows what is missing.
Yes, this page and others definitely need to be updated. I was working on it, but don't forget they destroyed my home and at the same time my websites too, some of the progress and posts deleted.
Data abuses as I am covering and have been plagued with are no joking matter, and the details and evidence besides overwhelming and irrefutable, regardless of who/ what stances, significant evidence to the public, of what horrors these entice, and those involved.
I made one brief post to D.B.U. "Blog" today, and have an array of changes coming up for this segment. Link to post: Political Coup Attempts & Live Watching Devices/ Doxing Live watching devices, my personal and others, our DMs, etc, them also being harassed online/offline by these people. "Bat Ballet" - my 2021 art, aspects.
I have the most exciting content yet for Adonai Orion. You should have seen it coming, if you do the math. Stay tuned for the more vibrant (and infuriating) content yet to come. If you've followed my calls of business, politics, and policy, then you already know what to expect, and why everyone is so excited over my calls.

No market analysis is complete without the points of why these calls are being made, and that's what I have planned for my next Adonai Orion debut. PS: Don't forget I am an artist, and a philosopher, lots of my things interconnect.✨
02.06.2024 10:40