08.08.2023 19:23 UTC
As many are aware, I decided to open a very polemical topic of everything you have read of my horror story of my son and I with Elon Musk, Grimes, Iger, Heard, and affiliates of assault in many levels beyond data theft, and online situations, to real life harm.
For those interested in knowing more of the back story, you may read on other posts.
With all of that with is a lot on its own, there is the mention of occult practices.
Myself a known spiritual philosopher of many years under multiple pen names, to present.
My Experiences with these people have left me with a lot of feelings, of course my language and thinking reflects that. No, they do not control me, or “jaded” me, bitter or ever made me envious or anything like them towards myself, of course, HUGE difference. But, I am not an idiot, and the treatment I’ve received from everyone, does not go unnoticed, I am harassed and taken from, that generates benefit for a reason, and that means my thinking is at the level of what many take and benefit abusing my life, etc.
My knowledge shared has been based of philosophical observation, and with that, open to belief of everything and nothing, as many can see. All plagiarized of course, but that’s besides the point, the understanding how something taken in such a manner has no blessing, not because it is evil, but because those seeking to gain, and benefit out of abuse do forget that out of balance equates to self destruction.
With this I’ll jump to, knowing is different than understanding and practice. One without the other at the proper place, is ignorance amplified of course, that’s basic thinking that unfortunately many seem to ignore, particularly of everyone involved in these things.
It is not a lie that “joke” or not as some want to wash away the serious harm, it is without denial, in logical thinking the harm for kicks is done, and that’s past tense of years to present. From car accidents, whether you believe that it is caused from malfunction, or understand the deeper aspects, it is a basic wrong here and obvious to anyone, not matter their level of understanding and or awareness of these rotten things.
To, worse things not to diminish, but in the exasperation, like COVID, the decisions around it and what it did to people in the name of monopoly and corporate political military dictatorship, etc.
Business isn’t wrong; true spirituality seeks the balance of actual honest business practices that benefit people short and long term in balance of what is for people, not mental illness, greed, envy, self absorbance and so on, which is what drives absolutely everything being done at present, not matter how it is spinned; from “environment” to “exploration”, and so on. Understanding then, is basic that there is not only waste of time, but to a collapsing in quality by over century society and civilization, with the balance of its needs, plus, it is self destructive. The furthering of wrong, does not of course yield otherwise, not matter how “good” or “successful” a lie. To further grab this knowledge that the ignorant seem devoid of basically processing in their own thinking, to assault a person and assume it to be smart, further proof of the mental decay, garbage devoid of value beliefs, and the awareness of empty of usability and ample worthlessness as whole.
“FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT” – something I mentioned previously about these beliefs and “knowledge” being promoted across, as distractions of course, from the obvious disaster being processed around.
Believing in things, religions or not does not make one great or not, it is a personal action and decision lived by each individual. FREEWILL.
The malpractices of people in things have knowingly and medically been proven plus, historically recorded, outside the “spiritual” and/ or more “out there” aspects, which have corroborated in many of the told through millennia stories. Political, faith plus swindling has existed then, and continues to effect through the ignorance and unawareness of people, of course; see the political and corporate fanaticism being developed, and ironically the easily profiled aspects of the shared individuals – often affiliated with superstition and religiousness.
Faith is a personal practice, even in true applied faith based beliefs, and basic human decency, of course, which is dethatched of faith.
Proven stories and situations of the more “out there” “supernatural” exist, which are dethatched of wanting to believe in “something” whatever that “something” is.
Practicing things that are harmful do and have born serious destruction, well documented, even if the “phenomena” has not been “theoretically” explained and accepted socially across synonymously, the evidence is already been tested and made factual.
Can be seen even in simple things like digging thumbs, etc.
All the way to enlarge like COVID aftermath, even only so far in the basics of social decay. Burning forests, poisoning nature, habitats also are showing some of what is only expanding in time, as quantified wrong bears the same back, of course; greed, envy are unaware and would never admit to being, because of… basic logic.
“The price of wrong bears more wrong” should not be taken as mere “scare” words, as they are without a doubt basic math of what are “freewill” and poor actions favored.
Poisoning the minds of people are also serious decisions by those who have the control of communication means, plus; a wrong that bears severe consequences among human species, and the pretext of fear like “make yourself look bigger” really isn’t something that will last in a becoming aware society. Tech threats can only go so far, even if executed, tyranny leads to collapse, period.
The more conspicuous of the falsely stated, cannot make something, nor take from what is.
Ritual attempt for “research”, “joke” whatever else, is a situation; belief of it or not dethatched to the harm it brings, of course to those doing such form of practice; not to ignore that idling and depending on the place it is from, it expands beyond it, after all society and civilization are a collective, it’s not a majority of (wrong) gives what is desired, but the basics of a collective of wrong earns the cost of such as a collective, particularly where there is ignoring and even endorsing of such.
There are prices to pay, “avoidance” never an option, only greed, envy, rottenness, stupidity, ignorance, and denial in action.
As any knowledgeable person knows, compounded wrongs only become worse in time, the more they are ignored and attempted to be avoided, or not addressed the only manner they are properly done. Injustice with more injustice bears a bigger price, and every second of continuation of its wrongs.
There’s the story of Sodom and Gomorrah for example; the “God” aspect can be relabelled and shifted in a corrupt society, but the historical impact of these places being vanished as described and the acts of their people (sexual depravity, abuse, ritual, enslavement, etc.), are historical factors. One of many. All societies/ civilizations that leaned towards such things and took to “mainstream” perished, including the “church crusades” which were merely the same, but seeking to enslave females, and matriarchal societies while attempting to make a penis cult, quite literally; out of balance/ mental illness.
Present day harm in equal can already be seen, and two things have to be kept in mind – period of awareness and proper address has just concluded, and the wrongs not only never stopped but continue to present, and the rottenness to even expand, as if.
In older days societies were smaller, and less linked; those out of balance destroyed not matter what stupid act they conveyed, wrong is wrong.
A larger civilization and the corruption ignored and being the front, is of course a collective and as such the “fruits” of “labour” collected as such.
Out of balance is one thing, fanatism is another. Proper balance of values over vileness, etc. Only the ignorant and rotten always shift to the same nonsense, and distraction tactics to continue to advance such.
The wrong done not only to myself but enlarge, which again I really went out of my way to prove, besides the obvious of personal opening details of my life so anyone is able to see what awful stupid things I am put through, only to be ignored, ridiculed and abused further, along the many other things I’ve also shown which affect society, including proving it is ritualistic, and to the specifics of what I explain, and tied to myself, my art, and my life, irrefutable.
BED BATH & BEYOND, my music and art, for this particular “BATHIN” casted spirit king/ angel to earth, plagiarized and myself further harmed, while those stealing profiting, flaunted themselves openly, is but scratching the surface in an irreparable way, to the many other aspects which prove absolutely everything, even the most “out there”; but particularly the ritual, and well, as the sole owner, and knowledge aware, it all bears a price of course, and the wrong and seething acts continuing expands it beyond comprehension or reform.
Self destruction is a thing, and if not careful, done quite easily; may I remind you I stopped you from continuing COVID measures which spiraled to severe harm, and well your more “ha,ha” much more ignorant choices like “my button is bigger than yours”, etc.
08.08.2023 19:49
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