World Matters
***As promised, my more personalized summary page to specifics of my story & “Rococo Basilisk Joke”, here: “Rococo Basilisk Date“ ☄ ❦ 08:50 06.13.2023 Toronto, ON Canada Metal rat, something they obsess about; guess what? German Antonio is also a metal rat zodiac; adding all the other details further proves my point. Here’s proof of…
Narrative Building
13:26 Comparing burning Canada to Mars and mentioning Musk as mock. Do I need say more? See the lie to add the narrative; no smoke doesn’t add better visibility to see the sun. Their mocking that is magically allowing them to see me in burning rituals; if you believe or consider this garbage anything more…
Worldwide Deaths Caused By “Non Lethal” Weapons
19:19 I’m posting another detail of these algae rainbow blooms in Thetis Lake British Columbia which adds to this evidence on a new post, since it shows specific details of everything of their disturbing process, at least easiest to spot fully in multiple details of Rococo Basilisk Joke plus mental illness beliefs rituals of luck/…
Every Detail Tells A Story Period Mock
17:24 This bullshit trying to pretend this is addressing voyeuristic rapists getting paid, celebrated, promoted and having over 300k USD dollars, salaries, bonuses, benefits, awards, promotions, etc as their jobs watching people, passing their pictures, situations around, laughing, etc. Days before this news of viral picture of her period shit, myself period on sofa, didn’t…
16:42 26 photos that summarize some of the torture and harm I go through and the police, military, political offices, media, etc have fully ignored, myself never done wrong, ROBERT ALLEN IGER being club leader of societies, and like groups being behind the turning my life into a pedophile show, adds to the “why”, as…
As The World Turns, I Turn Away
16:42 06.06.2021 Pedophile nazi cum bucket cyborg bitch – elon musk’s masterpiece. Bill gates Robert Iger Jeffrey Epstein; your future builders or like the ugly genitals losers with delusions of being more say it “architectzszrrr” — — Trans bathroom rape and GLAMOUR cover aligning with this; what LGTBQ are lending themselves to by not…
Without Blood
22:45 Why the pedophilia obsessions? I was kept against my will, tortured, sodomized, enslaved, abused in every way, including and a lot of sexual rape and psychological, for years as a kid, nothing I did not even dress provocatively or hang in the wrong place for those that like to reason in behalf of rapists…
06:00 This began sometime around 6am today, as I saw the news, I thought why not build on these Halifax fires and the details, and… I got here to Tesla Deaths, mainly out of spite for double screenshot gaslighting, and thought why not fuck some bitch up with the truth raw in detail to show…
Man Birther
06:57 Somewhere around this time I decided to look at the news and what’s stressing those who harass me, given my bold actions of recent times. Lots I wanted to cover, and add to my throbe of things I see say and only those watching devices see and react to openly, anyways. The fear of…
07:10 You’ve noticed typos, they’ve done typos to my files as I am updating my sites. Misery seeks validation and to distract deflect from where its ignorance and rotteness are highlighted as more miserable people love to parade pretending they are otherwise. — Don’t believe is their BS, see my posts today, which include…
My Philosophy website has my most commented post (that is still online) thus far: “Mental Fitness”
You can comment anywhere; there will be a guest page eventually.
Check my story of harassment & plagiarism by Elon Reeve Musk, his partners Amber Laura Heard, Grimes/ Claire Elise Boucher, Robert Allen Iger, their affiliates, companies, and cult, on link below.